🌌✨ Sporeon Nebula System ✨🌌


Explanation of the Fungal Frontiers Version vs. Starfield Version

In the grand tapestry of the Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse, cosmic exploration takes on a unique twist. This alternate reality focuses on uncovering cosmic space mushrooms and spiritual mycelial networks as the foundation of its adventures. The Myco-Verse is a part of a broader multiverse framework, known as Myco-Verses, which allows different realms to coexist, each with its own interpretations and naming conventions.

Within the Myco-Verse, familiar elements from the Starfield Universe, such as the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective, take on new roles. Names and identities have been reimagined to align with the mycological and dynamic nature of the Myco-Verse. While the Starfield Universe is shaped by human-centric civilizations, Fungal Frontiers originates from a realm where fungal life forms are central to societal and technological advancements. This shift in perspective results in different naming conventions and a unique understanding of governing bodies.

Organizations like the United Colonies (UC) and the Freestar Collective are present in the Myco-Verse, but their roles and recognition are distinct. The Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse does not officially recognize these entities as governing authorities; instead, they are seen as partners for interaction, negotiation, and trade. Although these organizations may seek to wield influence, true power lies with the mycelial networks and the entities that govern them, under the oversight of Universe Omega.

Historical events and notable figures from Starfield still have relevance but are reinterpreted through the lens of the Myco-Verse. The Narion War, for instance, remains a significant event, but its causes and outcomes might involve underlying mycelial conflicts or interdimensional spores that influenced the course of history. Characters such as Dr. Lara Darvish maintain their roles but are now seen as figures navigating the intersection of human and fungal interests.

Historical events and notable figures from Starfield Universe still have relevance but are reinterpreted through the lens of the Myco-Verse.



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Niiracap
Starfield Universe Name (SUN):  Nirra

Niiracap is a rocky planet located as the first in the Sporeon Nebula System. Once known for its idyllic landscapes and pristine natural environment, Niiracap has suffered extensive environmental degradation due to prolonged warfare and the use of weapons of mass destruction. The planet’s surface is now characterized by a Charred Ecosystem, where large portions are burnt and lifeless, reflecting the planet’s tragic history. The global landscape is marked by a Coralline Landmass that might once have been vibrant, but now holds the scars of conflict. Additionally, the planet is experiencing a Global Glacial Recession, indicating that any former ice-covered regions are retreating, possibly due to climate changes induced by the war.

Niiracap’s atmosphere is considered standard mixed but is highly toxic due to radioactive fallout and chemical contamination from the battles fought there. The weak magnetosphere offers little protection against cosmic radiation, compounding the planet’s harsh environment. The gravity of 0.61 G is moderate, making it manageable for human activities, although the toxic conditions mean that extensive protective gear is necessary for survival.

Despite the devastation, Niiracap still harbors some life. The fauna includes species such as the Flocking Cutterhead Grazer, Flocking Glowhands Grazer, Siren, and Swarming Stalker Scorpion, each adapted to the harsh environments of hills, wetlands, and frozen plains. Flora like the Red Stinging Nettle and Starpod Silkweed survive in specific biomes, contributing to the planet’s marginal biodiversity. Water on Niiracap is contaminated with heavy metals, making it unsafe for direct consumption without extensive purification.

Niiracap’s mineral wealth, including water, nickel, copper, argon, and more exotic chemicals like ionic liquids, benzene, fluorine, and chlorine, continues to make it a point of interest for scrappers and resource extraction operations, despite the planet’s hazardous conditions. The presence of derelict mechs and wrecked ships further adds to the planet’s appeal for salvage operations, even as they contend with rogue weapons and hostile terrain.

Quick Reference Chart for Niiracap

Gravity0.61 G
AtmosphereStandard Mixed, Toxic
WaterHeavy Metal
ResourcesWater, Nickel, Copper, Argon, Ionic Liquids, Benzene, Fluorine, Chlorine
TraitsCharred Ecosystem, Coralline Landmass, Global Glacial Recession






Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Sumaticap
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Sumati

Sumaticap is a rocky planet, the second in the Sporeo Nebula System, known for its temperate climate and diverse, yet marginal, ecosystems and a single moon known as Andravoid. The planet’s gravity is 0.89 G, making it close to Earth-like, and it boasts a very strong magnetosphere, which protects it from cosmic radiation. Sumaticap’s atmosphere is breathable with a standard mixed composition, suggesting that, under normal circumstances, it could support a wide range of life forms.

However, Sumaticap’s Diseased Biosphere indicates a significant ecological imbalance. Pathogens or pollutants may have spread throughout its environment, affecting both flora and fauna. The planet is also undergoing a Global Glacial Recession, suggesting that once expansive glacial areas are retreating, potentially due to climate change or other environmental factors. These conditions might be further complicated by the presence of Psychotropic Biota, flora that produce psychoactive compounds affecting the behavior and mental state of any beings interacting with them.

Despite these challenges, Sumaticap still hosts life. The fauna includes species like the Schooling Kronosaurus Grazer, which inhabit the ocean, and various creatures such as the Hunting Crab and Hearding Boneback Scavenger, which roam the forests and mountains. The flora is similarly adapted to specific biomes, with plants like the Abyss Pine Seedling and the Blue Weeping Shrub populating forests and mountains, contributing to the planet’s biodiversity.

Sumaticap’s resources are valuable, including safe, drinkable water, tetrafluorides, copper, chlorosilanes, lead, fluorine, and chlorine, making the planet a notable site for mining operations. These resources, combined with the planet’s unique traits, create both opportunities and challenges for exploration and habitation.

Quick Reference Chart for Sumaticap

Gravity0.89 G
AtmosphereStandard Mixed
MagnetosphereVery Strong
WaterSafe – Drinkable
ResourcesWater, Tetrafluorides, Copper, Chlorosilanes, Lead, Fluorine, Chlorine
TraitsDiseased Biosphere, Global Glacial Recession, Psychotropic Biota



FluorX TetraTech (FXT) is a trailblazing, woman-founded space mining venture specializing in fluorine and tetrafluoride extraction. Under the leadership of Dr. Elektra Vira, FXT combines advanced space mining with innovative mycological research, making significant contributions to fungal disease treatment and the development of bio-integrated semiconductors. Located on Sumaticap, FXT’s state-of-the-art facility reflects a commitment to employee well-being and environmental harmony, positioning the company as a vital player in the technological and ecological advancement of the Myco-Verse.

Learn more about FXT and its operations on Sumaticap.



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Andravoid
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Andraphon

Andravoid is a barren moon orbiting the planet Sumaticap within the Sporeon Nebula System. Characterized by its lack of atmosphere and magnetosphere, Andravoid experiences a temperate temperature range that does not fluctuate drastically despite its exposed nature. With a low gravity of 0.12 G, Andravoid’s surface is devoid of any life, with no flora or fauna to speak of. Its surface is dry, lacking any form of water, whether drinkable or otherwise.

Andravoid’s barren landscape offers valuable mineable resources, including aluminum, iron, beryllium, europium, and helium-3, making it a significant location for mining operations. The absence of a magnetosphere means there is no protection from cosmic radiation, so potential operations would require protective measures. Despite its desolate appearance, Andravoid’s rich mineral deposits make it a point of interest for those looking to exploit its natural resources.

Quick Reference Chart for Andravoid

Gravity0.12 G
ResourcesAluminum, Iron, Beryllium, Europium, Helium-3



Celestial Alumina Inc. (CAI), founded by Arcturus Apollo and Vega Antares, is a specialized space mining operation located on the moon of Andravoid in the Sporeon Nebula System. Established in 2455, CAI focuses on the extraction and refinement of aluminum, beryllium, and europium, utilizing advanced automation to operate efficiently in Andravoid’s harsh, low-gravity environment. The outpost’s water tower station, which serves as both a control center and living quarters, underscores the innovative spirit of its founders. Despite the eerie presence of a mysterious cosmic cloud formation, CAI continues to be a vital resource provider, contributing significantly to the technological and industrial growth of the Myco-Verse.

Learn more about CAI and its operations on Andravoid.



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Danracappi
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Danra

Danracappi is a barren planet within the Sporeon Nebula System, known for its harsh and unforgiving environment. The planet experiences extremely cold, frozen temperatures year-round, contributing to its inhospitable nature. With a high gravity of 1.44 G, Danracappi’s surface exerts a stronger pull than Earth, making it challenging for human operations and activities without significant adaptation. Danracappi has two moons that orbit the planet (Mycogryphus and Podisucap).

Danracappi lacks an atmosphere, leaving its surface exposed to the vacuum of space. The absence of both flora and fauna further emphasizes the planet’s desolate condition. The planet’s average magnetosphere offers some protection from cosmic radiation, but it’s not sufficient to make the environment habitable or supportive of life as we know it.

A unique feature of Danracappi is its Pelted Fields. This trait suggests that the surface is frequently bombarded by meteoroids or other space debris, creating a rugged, pockmarked landscape. These impacts might occasionally reveal subsurface materials or create new geological formations, but they also contribute to the planet’s overall barrenness and lack of stable conditions. The relentless bombardment and extreme conditions make Danracappi a challenging and dangerous environment for exploration.

Quick Reference Chart for Danracappi

Gravity1.44 G
TraitsPelted Fields



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Mycogryphus
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Gryphus

Mycogryphus is a barren, frozen moon orbiting the planet Danracappi within the Sporeon Nebula System. Characterized by its icy surface, Mycogryphus endures extreme cold with no atmosphere to trap heat or sustain any form of life. The moon’s gravity is a mere 0.13 G, making it a low-gravity environment where objects weigh significantly less than on Earth.

The lack of both a magnetosphere and atmospheric protection leaves Mycogryphus exposed to the harsh conditions of space, including cosmic radiation and micro-meteorite impacts. There are no known forms of flora or fauna on Gryphus, reinforcing its desolate and inhospitable nature.

Despite its barren appearance, Mycogryphus offers valuable resources beneath its frozen surface. Mineable elements include aluminum, neodymium, europium, and helium-3, making Mycogryphus a potential site for mining operations focused on extracting these valuable materials. These resources could be of significant interest to those conducting scientific research or looking to harness these elements for technological advancements. The moon’s isolation and lack of environmental complications make it a straightforward, albeit challenging, target for such endeavors

Quick Reference Chart for Mycogryphus

Gravity0.13 G
ResourcesAluminum, Neodymium, Europium, Helium-3



Neodyne Elemental Extraction (NEX), founded by Benjamin Rime, is a leading resource extraction company operating on the frozen moon of Mycogryphus in the Sporeon Nebula System. NEX specializes in mining neodymium, a rare earth element crucial for advanced technologies such as electric vehicles, wind turbines, and high-performance electronics. Leveraging cutting-edge cold-environment extraction technologies, NEX has transformed Mycogryphus from a desolate outpost into a vital hub for neodymium and aluminum extraction, making significant contributions to the technological and industrial sectors of the Myco-Verse.

Under Rime’s leadership, NEX not only meets the high demand for these rare materials but also maintains reserves of helium-3 for fusion energy production, enhancing its strategic importance. NEX’s role is pivotal in ensuring a steady supply of critical resources, positioning it as a cornerstone of the Myco-Verse’s supply chain and supporting the ongoing advancement of green energy and high-tech industries.

Learn more about NEX and its operations on Mycogryphus.



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Podisucap
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Podius

Podiscap is a small, barren moon orbiting the frozen planet Danra within the Sporeon Nebula System. Like its neighboring moon Mycogryphus, Podiscap is characterized by a frigid environment with no atmosphere or magnetosphere to offer protection or warmth. The surface is frozen, desolate, and lacks any form of life, both flora and fauna.

With a low gravity of 0.15 G, Podiscap presents a weak gravitational pull, making it an environment where mobility is significantly different compared to Earth-like conditions. This low gravity could pose challenges for any potential human activities or machinery deployed on its surface.

Despite its barren nature, Podiscap holds valuable resources. The moon contains deposits of iron and helium-3, which are critical for industrial and energy applications. These resources could make Podiscap a site of interest for mining operations, especially for missions requiring helium-3 for fuel or iron for construction materials. Its desolate landscape and lack of natural hazards make it a straightforward target for resource extraction, although its harsh and frozen conditions would require specialized equipment and protection for successful exploitation.

Quick Reference Chart for Podiscap

Gravity0.15 G
ResourcesIron, Helium-3



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Magrathvoid
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Magreth

Magrathvoid is a barren planet located in the Sporeon Nebula System, characterized by its intensely cold, deep-freeze temperatures. The planet’s gravity is nearly Earth-like at 0.98 G, which could make it more familiar for human activities in terms of gravitational pull, but its extreme environmental conditions make habitation nearly impossible. It also has one moon called 

Magrathvoid has no atmosphere to speak of, which means that it is directly exposed to the vacuum of space. However, the planet is protected by a very strong magnetosphere, which would shield its surface from high levels of cosmic radiation. Despite this, the lack of an atmosphere and the freezing temperatures contribute to a harsh, inhospitable environment, devoid of any life forms. Both fauna and flora are absent on Magrathvoid, indicating a world that has never supported complex ecosystems or that any potential for life has long been eradicated.

No water or notable resources have been identified on Magrathvoid, leaving it as a stark, desolate landscape. Its defining feature is its intense cold and the strong magnetic field, suggesting that if any exploration or mining operations were to be conducted, they would require substantial technology to withstand the environmental extremes.

Quick Reference Chart for Magrathvoid

Gravity0.98 G
TemperatureDeep Freeze
MagnetosphereVery Strong



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): MycoHyperia
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Hyperia

MycoHyperia is a small, barren moon orbiting the planet Magrathvoid within the Sporeon Nebula System. Known for its deep-freeze temperatures and desolate landscape, MycoHyperia presents a harsh environment with no atmosphere or magnetosphere, exposing its surface to the vacuum of space and cosmic radiation. With an extremely low gravity of 0.08 G, this moon has a minimal gravitational pull, giving it a nearly weightless environment.

Despite these inhospitable conditions, MycoHyperia is home to a very strange and unique fungi species that somehow thrives in its frozen environment. This fungi, which has piqued the interest of mycologists and scientists, displays remarkable resilience and adaptability, surviving in extreme cold and without atmospheric protection. The discovery of this fungi has attracted significant attention, as researchers are eager to study its unique biological properties, which might have applications in biotechnology, medicine, or other fields.

In addition to its biological intrigue, MycoHyperia contains valuable resources, including aluminum, neodymium, beryllium, and helium-3. These resources make it a prime candidate for mining operations, and several entities have expressed interest in establishing industrial and research facilities on the moon. The combination of valuable minerals and the presence of this mysterious fungi has positioned MycoHyperia as an important site for both scientific exploration and resource extraction in the Sporeon Nebula System.

Quick Reference Chart for MycoHyperia

Gravity0.08 G
TemperatureDeep Freeze
FloraUnique Fungi Species
ResourcesAluminum, Neodymium, Beryllium, Helium-3



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Deepalacapaless
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Deepala

Deepalacapaless is a massive gas giant located as the fifth planet in the Sporeon Nebula System. Dominated by its deep freeze temperatures, Deepalacapaless is an inhospitable world with an atmosphere primarily composed of hydrogen (H₂). The planet has a significantly strong magnetosphere, which contributes to powerful magnetic storms and high radiation levels, making the surrounding space hazardous for unshielded spacecraft.

Deepalacapaless’s immense gravity, measured at 1.39 G, exerts a significant pull, influencing its moons, Dalvik and Grimsey. These moons are the only objects that can be approached and explored, as Deepalacapaless itself cannot be landed on due to its gaseous nature. The lack of fauna, flora, and water reflects the extreme conditions and the lack of solid surface to support life forms. Despite this, its strong magnetosphere and the potential presence of valuable gaseous resources make it an intriguing target for scientific research and resource extraction.

Quick Reference Chart for Deepalacapaless

TypeGas Giant
Gravity1.39 G
TemperatureDeep Freeze
AtmosphereHydrogen (H₂)



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Dalvikcap
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Dalvik

Dalvikcap is a rock moon orbiting the gas giant Deepalacapless within the Sporeon Nebula System. With a gravity of 0.34 G and perpetually deep-freeze temperatures, Dalvikcap presents a harsh environment characterized by its barren rocky surface. The moon lacks an atmosphere and a magnetosphere, exposing it directly to cosmic radiation and extreme cold. Despite these conditions, Dalvikcap has a unique Crystalline Crust, suggesting that its surface is covered with crystal formations that reflect light, giving the moon a shimmering appearance.

Dalvikcap stands out due to its availability of safe, drinkable water, a rare and valuable resource in such an inhospitable environment. This water, alongside other mineable materials such as caesium, chlorosilanes, and chlorine, makes Dalvikcap a target for resource extraction operations. The presence of these materials, combined with its crystalline features, suggests that Dalvikcap might have experienced unique geological processes, possibly related to past volcanic activity or chemical reactions under extreme conditions.

Quick Reference Chart for Dalvikcap

TypeRock Moon
Gravity0.34 G
TemperatureDeep Freeze
WaterSafe – Drinkable
ResourcesWater, Caesium, Chlorosilanes, Chlorine
TraitsCrystalline Crust



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Grimsicap
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Grimsey

Grimsicap is an ice moon orbiting the gas giant Deepalacapless in the Sporeon Nebula System. Despite its icy nature, Grimsicap’s surface is marked by volcanic activity, making it an unusual ice moon. The absence of both an atmosphere and a magnetosphere results in an exposed surface that undergoes extreme temperature variations, remaining in a perpetually frozen state. Grimsicap has a low gravity of 0.09 G, which contributes to its sparse, barren landscape devoid of any fauna, flora, or liquid water.

Unique traits define Grimsicap: Energetic Rifting and Prismatic Plumes. The energetic rifting refers to the moon’s active volcanic nature, which causes the surface to crack and shift, releasing heat and energy. Prismatic plumes are likely a result of volcanic gases interacting with the ice, creating colorful, luminescent displays that can be seen from space. These phenomena make Grimsicap visually striking despite its desolate environment. Mineral wealth lies beneath its surface, including vanadium, plutonium, uranium, and iridium, attracting interest for mining operations. Grimsicap is also surrounded by a thin belt of asteroids, adding to its resource-rich profile.

Quick Reference Chart for Grimsicap

TypeIce Moon
Gravity0.09 G
ResourcesVanadium, Plutonium, Uranium, Iridium
TraitsEnergetic Rifting, Prismatic Plumes



Radiant Extraction Group (REG), founded by Orion Blaze, is a premier mining operation on the ice moon Grimsicap, specializing in the extraction of plutonium, uranium, and iridium. Located in the Sporeon Nebula System, REG capitalizes on Grimsicap’s unique geological features, including its volcanic activity and rich mineral deposits. The company operates under strict regulatory oversight due to the sensitive nature of its resources, with the Cosmic Route Transportation Coordination Agency (CRTCA) being its primary client. REG’s commitment to safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance has made it a key player in meeting the energy demands of the Myco-Verse.3

Learn more about REG and its operations on Grimsicap.



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN):  Anselonieass
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Anelson

Anselonieass is a massive gas giant situated as the sixth planet in the Sporeon Nebula System. With its deep-freeze temperatures and thick hydrogen atmosphere, Anselonieass is a cold and inhospitable world. The planet’s gravity is substantial, measured at 1.81 G, indicating a strong gravitational pull that significantly affects its moons and surrounding space. The dense hydrogen atmosphere creates a layered cloud system that envelops the planet, making its surface, if any, completely inaccessible to observation.

Anselonieass ‘s magnetosphere remains unknown, suggesting that further exploration is needed to understand the planet’s magnetic properties and their influence on nearby celestial bodies. While Anselonieass itself cannot be landed on due to its gaseous nature and lack of a solid surface, it plays a crucial role within the system as a central point of gravitational influence.

This gas giant is orbited by two moons, Creed and Mycovectera, which may hold more potential for exploration or resource extraction. The lack of fauna and flora on Anselonieass reflects its harsh, uninhabitable conditions, making it a world of mystery and potential interest primarily for its atmospheric and gravitational dynamics.

Quick Reference Chart for Anselonieass

TypeGas Giant
Gravity1.81 G
TemperatureDeep Freeze
AtmosphereHydrogen (H₂)



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Creed
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Kreet

Creed is a rocky moon orbiting the gas giant Anselonieass within the Sporeon Nebula System. Despite its modest size, Creed exhibits a range of environmental features and a surprising diversity of life. With a gravity of 0.55 G, Creed has a lower gravitational pull than Earth, allowing for easier movement across its surface. The moon’s atmosphere is composed of standard oxygen, making it breathable without the need for supplemental oxygen or a helmet, a rarity among celestial bodies of its type.

Creed is characterized by its Boiled Seas, a trait that suggests the presence of volcanic activity beneath the surface, heating underground water bodies and creating an environment of steam vents and boiling springs. This volcanic activity contributes to the moon’s varied biomes, which include volcanic wastelands, frozen volcanic regions, and mountainous areas. These biomes are sparsely populated with both flora and fauna, making Creed largely uninhabited by large settlements but rich in ecological diversity.

Despite its harsh environment, Creed supports a surprising abundance of life, particularly in the form of fungi species, some of which are psychotropic. These fungi have adapted to the extreme conditions of Creed, thriving in the volcanic soils and utilizing the boiling springs for moisture. The presence of these psychotropic fungi has attracted significant interest from various entities, including private research groups and the Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse (FFMV), which have established multiple outposts to study these unique species. These outposts are engaged in both scientific research and resource extraction, emphasizing the importance of Creed within the Myco-Verse.

In addition to its biological intrigue, Creed hosts a variety of crustacean-like creatures such as the Kreet Stalker, Trilobite, and Kreet Grazer, which are adapted to the moon’s volcanic and mountainous terrains. The minimal flora includes species like the Nebula Vine, Frost Reed, and Dust Root, all of which contribute to the moon’s sparse yet diverse ecosystem.

Creed’s mineral wealth, including water, alkanes, silver, iron, neon, argon, lead, and helium-3, adds to its strategic value. The presence of these resources has drawn the attention of the Cosmic Pirates of Space (CPS) and even cosmic criminal organizations such as the Crimson Fleet, which maintains a research lab on Creed as an outpost and staging ground for its operations. The combination of valuable minerals, unique fungi, and the potential for psychotropic discoveries makes Creed one of the most important and intriguing moons in the Sporeon Nebula System.

Quick Reference Chart for Creed

Gravity0.55 G
AtmosphereStandard Oxygen (18% O₂)
MagnetosphereVery Strong
WaterBiological – Filterable to Drink
ResourcesWater, Alkanes, Silver, Iron, Neon, Argon, Lead, Helium-3
TraitsBoiled Seas



Camp Creed Outpost stands as a dual-purpose facility on the moon of Creed, part of the Sporeon Nebula System. Publicly, it functions as a premier recruitment and training center for the Dimensional Defense Division (3D), equipping recruits with the skills necessary to defend the Myco-Verse across multiple dimensions. The outpost is outfitted with advanced training facilities, state-of-the-art weaponry, and a challenging environment that prepares recruits for the demands of cosmic security.

Beneath this official role, Camp Creed also serves as a hub for secretive recruitment operations, seeking out individuals with rare abilities for undisclosed missions. This hidden aspect of the outpost’s activities reflects the complexity of the challenges facing the Myco-Verse and underscores the need for unconventional talents to address emerging threats. Under the leadership of Commander Marcus Darkstar and TOC Raven Blackthorn, Camp Creed operates as a place where opportunity and mystery converge, and where the future of the Myco-Verse may be shaped by the secrets it harbors.

Learn more about CCO and its operations on Creed.



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Mycovectra
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Vectera

Mycovectra is a rocky moon orbiting the gas giant Anselonieass within the Sporeon Nebula System. Known for its deep-freeze temperatures and thin carbon dioxide (CO₂) atmosphere, Mycovectra presents a harsh and inhospitable environment. With gravity at 0.91 G, close to that of Earth, the moon allows for relatively familiar movement and physical activities, making it suitable for mining and other operations.

The weak magnetosphere of Mycovectra offers minimal protection against cosmic radiation, but the presence of safe, mineable water makes it a valuable target for resource extraction. The moon’s rocky surface is rich in minerals, including nickel, argon, benzene, and aluminum, which have attracted the attention of various entities. Argos Extractors currently operates a few mining outposts on Mycovectra, focusing on exploiting these mineral resources.

In addition to its mineral wealth, Mycovectra holds a deeper secret: the presence of a rare MycoArtifact that Argos Extractors’ on-site regional supervisor, Lin, is searching for. This MycoArtifact is of interest to the Constellation Organization, suggesting that Mycovectra may hold more than just economic value, possibly harboring relics of scientific or cultural significance.

Although devoid of fauna and flora, the moon’s environment makes it a unique and strategic location within the system. The combination of valuable resources, the potential for water extraction, and the mysterious MycoArtifact have made Mycovectra a focal point for both industrial operations and intrigue within the Sporeon Nebula System.

Quick Reference Chart for Mycovectra

Gravity0.91 G
TemperatureDeep Freeze
AtmosphereThin CO₂
WaterSafe – Drinkable
ResourcesWater, Nickel, Argon, Benzene, Aluminum



Fungal Frontiers Myco-Verse Name (FFMVN): Mycocrude
Starfield Universe Name (SUN): Cruth

Mycocrude is an ice-covered planet located as the seventh in the Sporeon Nebula System. Characterized by its extremely cold, deep-freeze temperatures, Mycocrude presents a harsh and inhospitable environment. The planet’s gravity is very low at 0.20 G, making it a low-gravity environment where objects weigh significantly less than on Earth, which could affect movement and the operation of equipment.

The absence of both an atmosphere and a magnetosphere leaves Mycocrude exposed to the vacuum of space and cosmic radiation, making it devoid of life forms such as fauna and flora. The planet’s surface is covered in ice, with its water resources being chemically complex, possibly due to interactions with the minerals present on the planet.

Despite its desolate appearance, Mycocrude holds valuable resources beneath its icy surface. The planet is rich in mineable water, copper, gold, fluorine, and antimony, making it a significant target for mining operations. These resources, especially gold and antimony, add economic value to the planet, attracting interest from various entities looking to extract these materials.

The planet’s barren and frozen landscape, coupled with its mineral wealth, makes Mycocrude a point of interest for industrial ventures and research, focusing on both its unique chemical water and the extraction of valuable elements.

Quick Reference Chart for Mycocrude

Gravity0.20 G
TemperatureDeep Freeze
ResourcesWater, Copper, Gold, Fluorine, Antimony
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