The CRIT Employment Eligibility Matrix provides a comprehensive overview of employment statuses within the Cosmic Role & Intergalactic Title (CRIT) framework. It categorizes eligibility into various groupings, detailing the conditions, limitations, and opportunities associated with each status. This matrix serves as a guiding reference for determining the operational readiness and restrictions of Cosmic Entities, ensuring clarity and structure in intergalactic employability classifications.
CRIT Employment Eligibility Matrix
Grouping | Status Name | Description |
EMPLOYABLE | ALL ACCESS | No restrictions or limitations on this status. This is the best EMPLOYABLE option. |
EMPLOYABLE | CONDITIONAL | Employable but with conditions or requirements to meet full eligibility. |
EMPLOYABLE | LIMITED | Employable with restrictions on type or scope of work. |
EMPLOYABLE | PROVISIONAL | Under trial or awaiting clearance/documents for final eligibility. |
EMPLOYABLE | TEMPORARY | Employable for a limited time or on a project basis. |
EMPLOYABLE | TRANSITIONAL | Transitioning between roles, departments, or employment types. |
SUSPENDED | SUSPENDED | Not currently employable due to suspension for disciplinary or other reasons. |
UNDER REVIEW | PENDING | Employability under evaluation due to ongoing checks or additional requirements. |
INELIGIBLE | DISAVOWED | Revoked employability due to severe violations or unacceptable actions. |
INELIGIBLE | EXEMPT | Not required to work due to special roles, statuses, or circumstances. |
INELIGIBLE | RECALLED | Inactive or ineligible but recalled for duty due to changing circumstances. |
INELIGIBLE | RETIRED | Completed service with honorary or emeritus status. |
PROBATIONARY | PROBATIONARY | Under scrutiny, often on a path to regain employable status. |
COSMIC PROBATION & RESTRICTION (CPAR) | DISCIPLINARY PROBATION (CPAR) | On a probationary path for redemption under close scrutiny. |
COSMIC PROBATION & RESTRICTION (CPAR) | REHABILITATION PROGRAM (CPAR) | Working to improve skills, clear past infractions, or meet criteria. |
COSMIC PROBATION & RESTRICTION (CPAR) | SUPERVISED ACTIVITY (CPAR) | Requires oversight during work assignments due to risks or past actions. |
QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISION | QUANTUM CHECKPOINTER (QPS) | Regular evaluations to ensure compliance with employment conditions. |
QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISION | TEMPORAL RESRICTION (QPS) | Limited work based on temporal or interdimensional factors. |
QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISION | FULL QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISION (QPS) | Strict oversight status for Cosmic Entities requiring continuous monitoring, restricted access, and guidance from Interstellar Probation Officers to ensure compliance with cosmic regulations and facilitate eventual reintegration into unrestricted roles. |
SPECIFIC MYCO-VERSE ONLY | LOCALIZED MYCO-VERSAL ACCESS | Limited to operate exclusively within a designated Myco-Verse due to specific restrictions or parameters unrelated to probation or parole. |
SPECIFIC MYCO-VERSE ONLY | ORIGIN-BOUND ACCESS | Restricted to operate exclusively within their Myco-Verse of origin or residence due to limitations related to cosmic jurisdiction, residence laws, or other origin-specific parameters. |
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAM | ACADEMIC VISA | Granted to those engaged in cosmic education, research, or academic exchange programs within Myco-Verses, but, no authorization for employment. |
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAM | CULTURAL EXCHANGE VISA | For entities participating in programs to promote inter-Myco-Versal understanding and shared experiences, but, prohibiting any form of employment activity. |
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAM | DIPLOMATIC VISA | pecial permissions for entities representing cosmic or interdimensional organizations for diplomatic purposes. |
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAM | HUMANITARIAN VISA | Provided to entities offering aid, relief, or support for cosmic disasters or challenges within Myco-Verses, but, strictly excludes employment opportunities. |
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAM | INTERGALACTIC WORK VISA | Temporary employment authorization allowing entities to perform designated roles within specified Myco-Verses. |
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAM | MEDICAL VISA | Designated for entities seeking or providing healthcare across Myco-Verses. |
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAM | RECREATIONAL VISA | Issued to entities traveling for leisure, exploration, or non-work-related activities in Myco-Verses and strictly forbids employment or work |