The CRIT Employment Eligibility Matrix provides a comprehensive overview of employment statuses within the Cosmic Role & Intergalactic Title (CRIT) framework. It categorizes eligibility into various groupings, detailing the conditions, limitations, and opportunities associated with each status. This matrix serves as a guiding reference for determining the operational readiness and restrictions of Cosmic Entities, ensuring clarity and structure in intergalactic employability classifications.

CRIT Employment Eligibility Matrix

GroupingStatus NameDescription
EMPLOYABLEALL ACCESSNo restrictions or limitations on this status. This is the best EMPLOYABLE option.
EMPLOYABLECONDITIONALEmployable but with conditions or requirements to meet full eligibility.
EMPLOYABLELIMITEDEmployable with restrictions on type or scope of work.
EMPLOYABLEPROVISIONALUnder trial or awaiting clearance/documents for final eligibility.
EMPLOYABLETEMPORARYEmployable for a limited time or on a project basis.
EMPLOYABLETRANSITIONALTransitioning between roles, departments, or employment types.
SUSPENDEDSUSPENDEDNot currently employable due to suspension for disciplinary or other reasons.
UNDER REVIEWPENDINGEmployability under evaluation due to ongoing checks or additional requirements.
INELIGIBLEDISAVOWEDRevoked employability due to severe violations or unacceptable actions.
INELIGIBLEEXEMPTNot required to work due to special roles, statuses, or circumstances.
INELIGIBLERECALLEDInactive or ineligible but recalled for duty due to changing circumstances.
INELIGIBLERETIREDCompleted service with honorary or emeritus status.
PROBATIONARYPROBATIONARYUnder scrutiny, often on a path to regain employable status.
COSMIC PROBATION & RESTRICTION (CPAR)DISCIPLINARY PROBATION (CPAR)On a probationary path for redemption under close scrutiny.
COSMIC PROBATION & RESTRICTION (CPAR)REHABILITATION PROGRAM (CPAR)Working to improve skills, clear past infractions, or meet criteria.
COSMIC PROBATION & RESTRICTION (CPAR)SUPERVISED ACTIVITY (CPAR)Requires oversight during work assignments due to risks or past actions.
QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISIONQUANTUM CHECKPOINTER (QPS)Regular evaluations to ensure compliance with employment conditions.
QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISIONTEMPORAL RESRICTION (QPS)Limited work based on temporal or interdimensional factors.
QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISIONFULL QUANTUM PAROL SUPERVISION (QPS)Strict oversight status for Cosmic Entities requiring continuous monitoring, restricted access, and guidance from Interstellar Probation Officers to ensure compliance with cosmic regulations and facilitate eventual reintegration into unrestricted roles.
SPECIFIC MYCO-VERSE ONLYLOCALIZED MYCO-VERSAL ACCESSLimited to operate exclusively within a designated Myco-Verse due to specific restrictions or parameters unrelated to probation or parole.
SPECIFIC MYCO-VERSE ONLYORIGIN-BOUND ACCESSRestricted to operate exclusively within their Myco-Verse of origin or residence due to limitations related to cosmic jurisdiction, residence laws, or other origin-specific parameters.
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAMACADEMIC VISAGranted to those engaged in cosmic education, research, or academic exchange programs within Myco-Verses, but, no authorization for employment.
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAMCULTURAL EXCHANGE VISAFor entities participating in programs to promote inter-Myco-Versal understanding and shared experiences, but, prohibiting any form of employment activity.
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAMDIPLOMATIC VISApecial permissions for entities representing cosmic or interdimensional organizations for diplomatic purposes.
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAMHUMANITARIAN VISAProvided to entities offering aid, relief, or support for cosmic disasters or challenges within Myco-Verses, but, strictly excludes employment opportunities.
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAMINTERGALACTIC WORK VISATemporary employment authorization allowing entities to perform designated roles within specified Myco-Verses.
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAMMEDICAL VISADesignated for entities seeking or providing healthcare across Myco-Verses.
INTERGALACTIC VISA PROGRAMRECREATIONAL VISAIssued to entities traveling for leisure, exploration, or non-work-related activities in Myco-Verses and strictly forbids employment or work
The CRIT Employment Eligibility Matrix provides a comprehensive overview of employment statuses within the Cosmic Role & Intergalactic Title (CRIT) framework. It categorizes eligibility into various groupings, detailing the conditions, limitations, and opportunities associated with each status. This matrix serves as a guiding reference for determining the operational readiness and restrictions of Cosmic Entities, ensuring clarity and structure in intergalactic employability classifications.
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