This chart showcases a comprehensive list of CRITs, detailing the unique roles, responsibilities, and designations within the countless Myco-Verses. It serves as a guide to the diverse functions and hierarchies that shape the intergalactic and dimensional realms, offering insight into leadership, exploration, science, mysticism, and more.

Cosmic Role & Intergalactic Titles (CRITs)

CRITCRIT CategoryCRIT DescriptionCRIT-ID
AmbassadorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEAmbassador: A representative skilled in diplomacy, tasked with maintaining peace and fostering alliances between realms, factions, or interstellar species. Ambassadors are pivotal in resolving disputes and negotiating treaties.C-5SKU9
ArbitratorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEArbitrator: A neutral decision-maker called upon to mediate disputes and conflicts, often appointed during jurisdictional disagreements or inter-faction trade negotiations.C-EI6GM
ChiefLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEChief: A leader of a specific faction, tribe, or group, overseeing operations and making high-level decisions to guide their people toward prosperity.C-0EU4W
CommanderLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCECommander: A military or exploration leader responsible for directing starships, fleets, or planetary operations during missions, campaigns, or emergencies.C-8SA8R
Cosmic ArbiterLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCECosmic Arbiter: A higher-level arbitrator operating across interdimensional or cosmic disputes, with authority granted by universal coalitions or ancient laws.C-UP38F
Cosmic LegislatorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCECosmic Legislator: A lawmaker tasked with drafting and enforcing intergalactic or cosmic-level policies, ensuring the harmony of diverse species and realms.C-63VC4
Cosmic SageLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCECosmic Sage: An ancient, wise leader who advises on spiritual, strategic, and existential matters. They are highly revered for their insight and cosmic perspective.C-9WF9E
CouncilorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCECouncilor: A member of a governing council responsible for advising and aiding leaders in decision-making processes for their faction or realm.C-76UHR
Diplomatic CourierLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEDiplomatic Courier: Trusted agents who deliver sensitive information, treaties, or artifacts between factions, navigating dangerous territories with discretion.C-4FBJM
Dimension OverseerLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEDimension Overseer: A key figure managing the stability and well-being of an entire dimensional plane, ensuring laws of physics and energy flows are balanced.C-Z17AB
DirectorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEDirector: A managerial leader who oversees organizations, projects, or enterprises with galaxy-wide influence, such as research institutes or economic initiatives.C-YH5V7
EmissaryLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEEmissary: A special envoy sent on a mission to establish contact, communicate proposals, or serve as a liaison between distant factions.C-OS554
EnvoyLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEEnvoy: A diplomat or representative sent to foster goodwill or alliances between cosmic factions, often working under an ambassador.C-DUY4G
Etherial DelegateLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEEtherial Delegate: A mystical representative of etherial realms, often bringing messages or decisions from spiritual planes to the physical world.C-WECU4
Galactic DiplomatLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEGalactic Diplomat: A skilled negotiator working across galaxies to maintain peace, build alliances, and represent the interests of their civilization.C-JSVIY
Galactic RegentLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEGalactic Regent: A temporary ruler overseeing a galactic empire or region, often during a transitional or emergency period.C-4O2U7
Galactic StewardLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEGalactic Steward: A caretaker and administrator of galactic resources, focusing on sustainability and ecological balance within star systems.C-XG2BA
GuardianLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEGuardian: A protector of a realm, artifact, or people, often chosen for their unwavering loyalty and ability to defend against cosmic threats.C-C3HWF
High Council MagistrateLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEHigh Council Magistrate: A senior official within an intergalactic governing body, responsible for enforcing cosmic laws and mediating complex disputes.C-XL9YG
High ElderLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEHigh Elder: A revered leader within a spiritual or mystical faction, known for their wisdom and connection to cosmic energies.C-IB8V7
High PriestLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEHigh Priest: A male spiritual leader who conducts rituals and maintains the connection between the divine and their followers.C-BU3I0
High PriestessLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEHigh Priestess: A female spiritual leader entrusted with guiding her people’s spiritual path and interpreting divine messages.C-BMFD0
Interdimensional ConsulLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEInterdimensional Consul: A senior diplomat specializing in interdimensional relations, maintaining stability between parallel universes.C-MDYBL
Intergalactic CoordinatorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEIntergalactic Coordinator: An organizer and manager of large-scale intergalactic operations, from trade routes to peacekeeping missions.C-HXYXK
JudicatorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEJudicator: A figure of absolute authority in matters of justice, often presiding over trials with far-reaching cosmic implications.C-T71VK
LieutenantLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCELieutenant: A second-in-command figure assisting commanders or chiefs, ensuring directives are executed efficiently.C-XLEYH
Omni-AdmiralLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEOmni-Admiral: A top-ranking military officer in charge of massive cosmic fleets or interstellar campaigns.C-ZKH4V
Omni-SenatorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEOmni-Senator: A legislative leader within a universal governing body, advocating for their faction’s interests.C-9HYO2
OverseerLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEOverseer: A manager or governor with a broad mandate to supervise operations across multiple star systems or dimensions.C-D30EI
PeacekeeperLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEPeacekeeper: A neutral enforcer of peace agreements, intervening in conflicts to protect civilian lives and uphold cosmic treaties.C-BU0QL
Planetary CustodianLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEPlanetary Custodian: A caretaker of a specific planet, ensuring its ecological and social stability.C-RT9F8
Planetary OmbudsmanLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEPlanetary Ombudsman: A representative who handles grievances and advocates for the rights of planetary citizens within a broader cosmic framework.C-5MGQY
Policy MakerLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEPolicy Maker: A creator of policies and laws that impact multiple galaxies, striving for equity and progress across diverse populations.C-4KDXA
Realm ArbiterLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCERealm Arbiter: A mediator specializing in disputes within specific realms, ensuring fair outcomes for all parties involved.C-E7HAK
Realm ProtectorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCERealm Protector: A guardian responsible for defending the safety and sovereignty of a realm against external threats.C-ABYRM
RepresentativeLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCERepresentative: A spokesperson or delegate who voices the interests of their faction within a governing council or assembly.C-QEQEV
Sector ChiefLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCESector Chief: A leader responsible for a specific sector of space, managing its resources, security, and well-being.C-BM1ZN
SovereignLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCESovereign: A monarch or supreme ruler overseeing an empire, often uniting multiple star systems under their reign.C-0JCT9
Stellar ExecutorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEStellar Executor: An enforcer of high-level decrees and decisions, ensuring their implementation across star systems.C-WC2VN
Stellar MagistrateLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEStellar Magistrate: A judicial figure responsible for interpreting and enforcing laws on an interstellar scale.C-C5748
Stellar SovereignLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEStellar Sovereign: A ruler of a star system or constellation, balancing governance with maintaining cosmic harmony.C-A6WH3
SupremeLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCESupreme: A title denoting the ultimate authority within a faction, often revered as both leader and symbol of unity.C-2ZUPD
Supreme Spore LordLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCESupreme Spore Lord: A unique title for the head of a fungal faction, emphasizing their dominance and wisdom in mycelial matters.C-SBZ8L
Temporal CommanderLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCETemporal Commander: A leader overseeing operations involving time travel, ensuring the stability of temporal mechanics.C-HMYV5
Universal MediatorLEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCEUniversal Mediator: A diplomat of the highest caliber, resolving disputes that span galaxies and involve multiple factions.C-KSLR3
ArchivistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICArchivist: A keeper of historical records and cosmic knowledge, ensuring important data and artifacts are preserved for future generations.C-907RZ
AstrochemistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICAstrochemist: A scientist specializing in the study of chemical compositions and reactions in space, from star formation to alien atmospheres.C-54SJN
Astroecosystem EngineerSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICAstroecosystem Engineer: Experts in designing and maintaining ecosystems for sustainable life in space habitats or terraformed planets.C-PVTF0
AstrogeologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICAstrogeologist: A geologist focused on the structure, composition, and history of planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial bodies.C-RD8SN
AstrobiologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICAstrobiologist: A researcher dedicated to studying life in the universe, from microbial organisms to intelligent alien species.C-QTO7P
BioengineerSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICBioengineer: A specialist in integrating biology with technology, creating innovations like bio-mechanical organisms and organic tech systems.C-XJSE2
Bioinformatics ResearcherSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICBioinformatics Researcher: A scientist using data and computational tools to analyze complex biological systems, particularly in alien life forms.C-JWQJ6
ChronomancerSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICChronomancer: A researcher of time and its manipulation, studying temporal anomalies, time loops, and the effects of time travel.C-44KJI
Cosmic GeneticistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICCosmic Geneticist: A genetic engineer focusing on the DNA of interstellar species, enhancing biological traits or creating hybrid organisms.C-XA2LT
Cosmic ResearcherSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICCosmic Researcher: A general term for scientists studying any phenomena across the cosmos, from energy waves to dark matter.C-TG4VL
Cryogenic SpecialistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICCryogenic Specialist: Experts in freezing and preserving life forms or materials for long-term storage or space travel.C-AMGE4
Data ScientistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICData Scientist: A researcher specializing in analyzing large datasets, often drawn from mycelial networks or intergalactic data streams.C-YLRW0
Dimensional AnalystSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICDimensional Analyst: A scientist exploring the structures and interactions between dimensions, working to understand their unique properties.C-1UUIA
Dimensional BiochemistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICDimensional Biochemist: A specialist studying biochemical interactions in alternate dimensions, focusing on unique molecular compositions.C-7M0RO
Energy PhysicistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICEnergy Physicist: A physicist studying the behavior of energy across the cosmos, from quantum fields to star emissions.C-D2QE0
Exo-archaeologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICExo-archaeologist: A scientist uncovering ancient artifacts and civilizations on alien worlds, piecing together the history of the universe.C-RDHAE
Exo-biologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICExo-biologist: Researchers focused on the biology of extraterrestrial life, examining their anatomy, behavior, and ecosystems.C-22Z2V
Exo-HistorianSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICExo-Historian: Historians uncovering and documenting the histories of alien species, cosmic conflicts, and ancient alliances.C-VNRTN
Exo-Symbiosis SpecialistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICExo-Symbiosis Specialist: A scientist studying symbiotic relationships between alien species or between life forms and fungi.C-CV3X6
Fungal EcologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICFungal Ecologist: Experts in the ecological roles of fungi across various environments, from planetary surfaces to interstellar ecosystems.C-M3YXT
Fungal Gene SplicerSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICFungal Gene Splicer: Specialists in modifying fungal DNA to create new, beneficial strains for medicine, agriculture, or technology.C-2LYO8
Galactic ArchivistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICGalactic Archivist: A historian and curator of records spanning galaxies, preserving ancient knowledge for scholarly and public use.C-JSUVJ
HealerSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICHealer: A practitioner of traditional and advanced techniques for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.C-JM2TT
Intergalactic Knowledge CuratorSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICIntergalactic Knowledge Curator: An individual managing vast libraries of cosmic knowledge, ensuring its accessibility and security.C-NHT1K
Knowledge KeeperSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICKnowledge Keeper: Custodians of ancient wisdom, entrusted with safeguarding sacred texts, artifacts, and oral traditions.C-9MKG7
LinguistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICLinguist: An expert in the languages of alien species and intergalactic trade tongues, facilitating communication across vast distances.C-JGFN5
Medical SavantSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICMedical Savant: A medical genius capable of devising cures, treatments, and advanced medical solutions for a wide range of species.C-7BV6O
Mycelial Data AnalystSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICMycelial Data Analyst: Specialists who analyze the flow of data through mycelial networks, uncovering patterns and predicting outcomes.C-M1PKM
Mycelial EngineerSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICMycelial Engineer: Engineers who design and maintain systems that integrate with fungal networks, harnessing their power for communication and energy.C-LM2ML
MycologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICMycologist: Researchers dedicated to the study of fungi, exploring their uses, ecological importance, and impact on the universe.C-NCY3I
NeurocyberneticistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICNeurocyberneticist: Scientists studying the intersection of neuroscience and cybernetics, enhancing mental capacity or creating neural interfaces.C-X9PN1
Planetary Evolutionary BiologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICPlanetary Evolutionary Biologist: Specialists studying the evolution of life on specific planets, analyzing its adaptability and biodiversity.C-51RW6
ProfessorSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICProfessor: An academic authority specializing in teaching and advancing cosmic sciences or humanities across the Myco-Verse.C-AJNLE
Quantum EngineerSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICQuantum Engineer: A cutting-edge scientist who manipulates quantum mechanics to create advanced technologies, from energy systems to teleportation.C-PPILA
Quantum Fungal EcologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICQuantum Fungal Ecologist: Researchers studying fungi’s role at a quantum level, exploring their potential in teleportation and computation.C-877ME
Quantum PharmacistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICQuantum Pharmacist: Pharmacists creating medicines that operate on quantum principles, curing ailments across multiple dimensions.C-UPB00
Quantum TechnicianSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICQuantum Technician: Technicians specializing in the application of quantum mechanics in machinery, energy systems, and computation.C-5SSQA
ResearcherSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICResearcher: A general term for individuals pursuing answers to questions about the universe, from physics to biology.C-WOB46
ScholarSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICScholar: A specialist in academia, dedicating their life to the study of specific fields of intergalactic knowledge.C-7CJ3C
ScientistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICScientist: A practitioner of scientific methods, exploring the natural and cosmic phenomena to uncover universal truths.C-5EFKS
ScribeSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICScribe: Record-keepers who document events, discoveries, and histories for posterity.C-FT87W
Space DoctorSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICSpace Doctor: Medical professionals specializing in treating ailments caused by space travel, including exposure to radiation and zero gravity.C-OSP4R
Stellar EcologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICStellar Ecologist: Ecologists studying the interconnected systems within star systems, ensuring environmental stability across planets.C-JE358
Stellar Linguistic AnthropologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICStellar Linguistic Anthropologist: Experts studying the relationship between language, culture, and environment in extraterrestrial societies.C-4JJ4Y
Subterranean MycologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICSubterranean Mycologist: A mycologist specializing in underground fungal ecosystems, uncovering their hidden roles in planetary processes.C-GWHPP
Temporal PhysicistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICTemporal Physicist: Scientists focused on the nature of time and its effects, studying temporal anomalies and time travel.C-BHTRC
Temporal ScholarSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICTemporal Scholar: Academics devoted to understanding time, its flows, and its impact on the cosmos.C-XA63T
XenobiologistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICXenobiologist: Researchers studying alien life forms, focusing on their unique physiology and ecosystems.C-BBXDC
XenolinguistSCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMICXenolinguist: Linguists specializing in the languages of extraterrestrial civilizations, decoding their syntax and meaning.C-U8GLT
Astrobiological MedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYAstrobiological Medic: A medical professional specializing in treating ailments and conditions unique to extraterrestrial life forms, ensuring their health during interstellar travel.C-TOA1P
Bio-medicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYBio-medic: A general practitioner using advanced biological methods to treat injuries and illnesses in various species.C-XMJTW
Bioluminescent PathologistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYBioluminescent Pathologist: A specialist studying bioluminescent organisms and their diseases, often seeking to harness their properties for medical use.C-UYKSG
BiotechnicianMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYBiotechnician: Technicians who operate and maintain biotechnology, bridging biology and engineering to enhance medical systems and tools.C-HFCCE
Cosmic SurgeonMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYCosmic Surgeon: Surgeons skilled in operating on diverse life forms, often under extreme conditions such as zero gravity or high radiation.C-W5985
Cryogenic SpecialistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYCryogenic Specialist: Medical professionals overseeing the preservation and revival of life forms through cryogenics, ensuring safety and viability.C-0TS52
Etherial MedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYEtherial Medic: Healers specializing in using etherial energy and mystical techniques to cure spiritual and physical ailments.C-CSAU3
Exo-medicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYExo-medic: Doctors who focus on providing medical care in extraterrestrial environments, adapting treatments to alien physiology and conditions.C-TT91Y
Exo-Plague ResearcherMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYExo-Plague Researcher: Specialists investigating extraterrestrial pandemics, developing treatments and containment strategies for alien diseases.C-SVDGY
Fungal PathologistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYFungal Pathologist: Experts studying fungal diseases, both in terrestrial and extraterrestrial life, and devising treatments to combat infections.C-2UFCK
Galactic Trauma ResponderMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYGalactic Trauma Responder: First responders equipped to handle emergencies in space, including injuries from crashes, battles, or cosmic phenomena.C-JIZSA
GeneticistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYGeneticist: Scientists and medics focusing on genetic manipulation to cure diseases, enhance traits, and create adaptive organisms.C-F9V7S
HealerMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYHealer: Traditional medical practitioners who use a combination of spiritual, herbal, and advanced techniques to provide holistic care.C-0AQHM
Mycelial MedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYMycelial Medic: Doctors specializing in using fungal-based medicines and treatments, often integrating with mycelial networks for advanced care.C-042PE
Myco-Genetic HealerMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYMyco-Genetic Healer: A healer who uses fungal genetic engineering to create unique cures and treatments for interspecies ailments.C-0C0H6
Myco-MedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYMyco-Medic: Medical professionals focusing specifically on fungal-derived treatments and their applications across the universe.C-EM3QJ
Nano-HealerMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYNano-Healer: Specialists in using nanotechnology for precise and minimally invasive medical treatments, repairing cells at the molecular level.C-P2ENB
Nano-MedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYNano-Medic: Doctors trained in nanotechnology applications, capable of treating complex illnesses and injuries with advanced tools.C-LKJZ5
Neural MedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYNeural Medic: A medical professional focusing on brain and nervous system health, often incorporating cybernetic and psionic technologies.C-RI4PJ
Psionic NeurologistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYPsionic Neurologist: A neurologist specializing in psionic beings, treating mental and neurological conditions related to psychic abilities.C-4TRNT
Pulse MedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYPulse Medic: Emergency responders trained to stabilize and heal patients in dangerous environments using energy-based treatments.C-52CCQ
Quantum PharmacistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYQuantum Pharmacist: Pharmacists creating advanced medications that operate on quantum principles, effective across multiple dimensions.C-YPR1I
Regenerative BioengineerMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYRegenerative Bioengineer: Engineers developing regenerative therapies and technologies, enabling the regrowth of organs and limbs.C-ZJLGY
Space DoctorMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYSpace Doctor: Physicians treating medical conditions related to prolonged space travel, such as bone density loss and radiation exposure.C-BI9WG
Spore Infusion SpecialistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYSpore Infusion Specialist: Medical professionals using fungal spores in therapies to boost immunity, heal wounds, or enhance physical abilities.C-PIMUR
Temporal HealerMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYTemporal Healer: Healers adept at reversing time’s effects on injuries or diseases, restoring health without invasive procedures.C-9815D
Temporal Surgery SpecialistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYTemporal Surgery Specialist: Surgeons using time manipulation techniques to perform highly precise, non-invasive procedures.C-3BW58
Trauma SpecialistMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYTrauma Specialist: Experts in treating acute injuries, particularly in high-risk situations like cosmic battles or planetary disasters.C-5GKWR
XenomedicMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGYXenomedic: Medical professionals trained to care for alien species, adapting treatments to their unique physiologies.C-FNZRS
Astro-Combat SpecialistTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYAstro-Combat Specialist: Elite soldiers trained in space warfare, capable of operating in zero-gravity combat scenarios.C-26YTX
Bounty HunterTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYBounty Hunter: Freelancers who track and capture targets across galaxies, often working outside official jurisdiction.C-6G7F4
CaptainTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYCaptain: Leaders commanding starships or fleets, responsible for mission success and crew safety.C-G6B6F
Cosmic StrategistTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYCosmic Strategist: Military tacticians devising plans to secure victory in interstellar conflicts and battles.C-X1YAI
Cybersecurity OperativeTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYCybersecurity Operative: Specialists defending systems and networks from cyber threats, often working against rogue AIs or digital sabotage.C-TFFWD
Dimensional ScoutTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYDimensional Scout: Operatives exploring new dimensions to gather intelligence and assess potential threats or opportunities.C-JVBKN
Dimensional Strike OperativeTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYDimensional Strike Operative: Soldiers trained in cross-dimensional combat, using specialized tools to neutralize threats in unstable realities.C-OVTNQ
Energy Shield SpecialistTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYEnergy Shield Specialist: Engineers and operatives maintaining energy shield systems to protect ships, planets, or individuals from harm.C-JCO54
Fugitive Recovery AgentTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYFugitive Recovery Agent: Operatives tasked with tracking and capturing fugitives across interstellar territories.C-R2VWB
Galactic WardenTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYGalactic Warden: Enforcers of galactic laws, patrolling vast areas to maintain peace and stability.C-SIWMA
Head HunterTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYHead Hunter: Expert trackers specializing in locating and eliminating high-value targets, often working as hired mercenaries.C-D52VP
Hyperdimensional TrackerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYHyperdimensional Tracker: Trackers skilled in following targets across multiple dimensions, using advanced tools and intuition.C-667US
Hyperjump Recon ExpertTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYHyperjump Recon Expert: Scouts who specialize in gathering intelligence during hyperjump travel, ensuring safe passage and preparation.C-182ZQ
InspectorTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYInspector: Investigators tasked with uncovering crime, corruption, or sabotage across cosmic jurisdictions.C-9H6GK
Intergalactic EnforcerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYIntergalactic Enforcer: Law enforcement officers with authority across galaxies, ensuring peace and justice.C-IN4PR
Interstellar PeacekeeperTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYInterstellar Peacekeeper: Agents who intervene in conflicts to mediate or enforce ceasefires between warring factions.C-62WTK
Interstellar TacticianTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYInterstellar Tactician: Strategic planners who develop military campaigns and defense systems for interstellar conflicts.C-BZSC1
InvestigatorTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYInvestigator: Detectives who solve mysteries and crimes in the vast expanse of space, often uncovering cosmic conspiracies.C-BOP6G
Mycelium OperativeTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYMycelium Operative: Elite agents who use fungal-based technology for reconnaissance, sabotage, or combat.C-VN19N
Myco-WarriorTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYMyco-Warrior: Fighters trained to harness fungal-based weapons and abilities, often acting as protectors of fungal realms.C-LDHR5
OfficerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYOfficer: General military personnel trained for various roles within fleets, planetary defense, or interdimensional security.C-12XWN
Orbital Patrol OfficerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYOrbital Patrol Officer: Officers responsible for safeguarding planetary orbits, monitoring for illegal activity or potential threats.C-BOESO
PathfinderTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYPathfinder: Explorers and navigators skilled in charting unknown territories and guiding missions through hazardous regions.C-BRR0K
PilotTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYPilot: Skilled starship operators navigating vessels through space, often under extreme conditions.C-E4JJR
Private InvestigatorTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYPrivate Investigator: Freelance detectives solving personal or factional cases in the cosmos.C-FW4VD
Psionic Combat SpecialistTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYPsionic Combat Specialist: Soldiers using psionic abilities in battle, such as telekinesis or mind control.C-JZWVJ
Psionic SentinelTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYPsionic Sentinel: Guardians trained to protect high-value individuals or locations using psionic skills.C-YIZU6
Recon SpecialistTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYRecon Specialist: Experts in gathering intelligence and conducting surveillance in high-risk environments.C-2K8XT
Security ArchitectTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSecurity Architect: Designers of advanced security systems, including physical, digital, and dimensional defenses.C-OHIMA
SentinelTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSentinel: Defenders trained to protect important locations or individuals from threats, often highly disciplined and armed.C-IDGQL
ShieldbearerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYShieldbearer: Warriors trained to use advanced shielding technology to protect themselves and their allies in combat.C-WD8WH
Skip TracerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSkip Tracer: Operatives specializing in tracking fugitives who evade capture by jumping between systems or dimensions.C-1LLZZ
Space NomadTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSpace Nomad: Wanderers living independently in the cosmos, surviving off their skills and resourcefulness.C-FMZOB
Space PirateTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSpace Pirate: Criminals who raid starships and colonies, often operating outside the bounds of interstellar law.C-DL1SA
SpecialistTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSpecialist: Military or tactical experts trained in specific areas like explosives, hacking, or infiltration.C-AZLGT
Spore Blade KnightTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSpore Blade Knight: Warriors wielding spore-infused blades, known for their deadly precision and fungal-enhanced abilities.C-G59ZV
Spore VanguardTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSpore Vanguard: Elite fighters leading the charge in battles involving fungal factions, often enhanced by mycelial technology.C-UNKTS
Starbound MarshalTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYStarbound Marshal: High-ranking law enforcement officers tasked with maintaining order across multiple star systems.C-82W4T
Starship DefenderTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYStarship Defender: Specialists tasked with defending starships from external threats like pirates or hostile factions.C-82Y2Q
Stellar GuardTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYStellar Guard: Security forces protecting star systems, ensuring peace and stability within their jurisdiction.C-9GE7A
Stellar ShieldbearerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYStellar Shieldbearer: Fighters who specialize in advanced defensive tactics, using energy shields to protect allies and key locations.C-2VHQK
Surveillance SpecialistTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYSurveillance Specialist: Operatives gathering intelligence through surveillance systems, monitoring potential threats.C-1BOOG
TrackerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYTracker: Hunters adept at finding targets, using technology and intuition to follow trails across the cosmos.C-JRZJI
Void CorsairTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYVoid Corsair: Space pirates operating in the void, known for their ruthless tactics and evasive maneuvers.C-23QWN
Void EnforcerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYVoid Enforcer: Law enforcement agents patrolling dangerous void regions, ensuring safety and order.C-CVI02
Void GuardianTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYVoid Guardian: Protectors of void ecosystems, ensuring their preservation and guarding against exploitation.C-3HKK5
Void WalkerTACTICAL | MILITARY | SECURITYVoid Walker: Explorers skilled at navigating the perilous and uncharted regions of the void.C-RZXPW
Aether Drive EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALAether Drive Engineer: Specialists in designing, building, and maintaining aether-based propulsion systems that allow for interdimensional travel and faster-than-light speeds.C-LO3IC
Aether MechanicENGINEERING AND TECHNICALAether Mechanic: Engineers who troubleshoot and repair aether-powered technologies, ensuring starships and other devices operate efficiently.C-4CAEM
Astro SculptorENGINEERING AND TECHNICALAstro Sculptor: Creators of intricate cosmic designs, crafting space stations, starships, or orbital habitats with both form and function in mind.C-C5FFB
AstrogatorENGINEERING AND TECHNICALAstrogator: Navigators skilled in charting courses through interstellar and interdimensional space, avoiding hazards and optimizing travel routes.C-XFJVD
Bio-Integrated EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALBio-Integrated Engineer: Pioneers of technologies that seamlessly blend organic and mechanical systems, creating living machines and bio-synthetic constructs.C-HHYCL
CartographerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALCartographer: Experts in mapping unexplored regions of space, documenting star systems, planetary surfaces, and cosmic phenomena.C-HFG4J
Celestial CartographerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALCelestial Cartographer: Specialists focusing on the detailed mapping of celestial bodies and their gravitational interactions within star systems.C-EKLA6
Chrono-smithENGINEERING AND TECHNICALChrono-smith: Engineers specializing in time-based technologies, crafting devices that manipulate or stabilize temporal fields.C-FCHWO
Cosmic Terraforming OperatorENGINEERING AND TECHNICALCosmic Terraforming Operator: Professionals responsible for transforming barren planets into habitable worlds using advanced terraforming technologies.C-9A7L2
Dimensional EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALDimensional Engineer: Engineers dedicated to constructing and maintaining systems that operate across dimensions, such as portals or stabilizers.C-4LU2S
Dimensional Rift RepairerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALDimensional Rift Repairer: Technicians trained to stabilize and close dangerous rifts in the fabric of space-time, preventing catastrophic dimensional collapse.C-EC26N
Energy ManipulatorENGINEERING AND TECHNICALEnergy Manipulator: Engineers working with raw energy, creating systems to harness and utilize power sources like stars, dark matter, or mycelial flows.C-IP8KA
Energy Systems ArchitectENGINEERING AND TECHNICALEnergy Systems Architect: Designers of energy networks for starships, planets, and interstellar colonies, focusing on efficiency and sustainability.C-C7KI3
Exo-navigatorENGINEERING AND TECHNICALExo-navigator: Specialists guiding exploration teams through alien terrain, ensuring safe travel and optimal routes.C-3XR21
Galactic ExplorerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALGalactic Explorer: Engineers and scientists leading expeditions to uncover new star systems, planets, and anomalies.C-5BJIX
Galactic Network ArchitectENGINEERING AND TECHNICALGalactic Network Architect: Designers of vast communication and data-sharing networks that span entire galaxies, enabling instant interstellar connections.C-E559C
Gravity EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALGravity Engineer: Engineers creating and manipulating artificial gravity systems for starships, stations, and planetary colonies.C-4Y0AB
Hyperdrive SpecialistENGINEERING AND TECHNICALHyperdrive Specialist: Experts in hyperdrive technology, ensuring starships can safely and efficiently traverse vast cosmic distances.C-0BQWE
Interdimensional Grid EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALInterdimensional Grid Engineer: Builders of complex energy grids that span dimensions, powering interdimensional colonies and facilities.C-35ACK
Interdimensional Tunnel BuilderENGINEERING AND TECHNICALInterdimensional Tunnel Builder: Engineers constructing stable pathways through dimensions, allowing for safe and reliable transport.C-FIETD
Interstellar Construction ForemanENGINEERING AND TECHNICALInterstellar Construction Foreman: Leaders overseeing large-scale construction projects in space, such as habitats, spaceports, or orbital arrays.C-UWCTH
Lunar ArchitectENGINEERING AND TECHNICALLunar Architect: Engineers specializing in building sustainable habitats and infrastructure on moons, adapting to low gravity and harsh conditions.C-6BJQF
Nano-ConstructorENGINEERING AND TECHNICALNano-Constructor: Experts in nano-scale engineering, crafting materials and devices molecule by molecule for advanced applications.C-MV7MZ
Nano-Construct SpecialistENGINEERING AND TECHNICALNano-Construct Specialist: Technicians focused on maintaining and advancing nano-constructed systems, from medical tools to starship components.C-EOUZI
Orbital Energy HarvesterENGINEERING AND TECHNICALOrbital Energy Harvester: Engineers designing and maintaining systems that capture energy from celestial bodies, such as solar panels or tidal generators.C-BGAZX
Orbital PilotENGINEERING AND TECHNICALOrbital Pilot: Pilots trained to navigate and operate spacecraft in orbital zones, ensuring precise docking and efficient resource collection.C-TO7EQ
Plasma MechanicENGINEERING AND TECHNICALPlasma Mechanic: Specialists working with plasma-based technologies, such as weapons, propulsion systems, and power generators.C-JKEZZ
Quantum EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALQuantum Engineer: Engineers applying quantum mechanics to create advanced technologies, from teleportation systems to quantum computing arrays.C-S8NLP
Quantum Field MechanicENGINEERING AND TECHNICALQuantum Field Mechanic: Experts maintaining quantum field generators that stabilize and manipulate space-time.C-CLT9I
Quantum ShipwrightENGINEERING AND TECHNICALQuantum Shipwright: Designers and builders of quantum-powered starships, integrating cutting-edge technology with innovative designs.C-MTFL9
Reactor TechnicianENGINEERING AND TECHNICALReactor Technician: Operators responsible for maintaining the reactors that power starships and space stations, ensuring safety and efficiency.C-FLV55
Solar Energy HarvesterENGINEERING AND TECHNICALSolar Energy Harvester: Engineers focused on harnessing solar energy to power interstellar colonies and vessels.C-IJ523
Spatial Rift TechnicianENGINEERING AND TECHNICALSpatial Rift Technician: Specialists tasked with detecting, managing, and repairing spatial rifts caused by cosmic phenomena or technological malfunctions.C-HNOBN
Space MechanicENGINEERING AND TECHNICALSpace Mechanic: General engineers maintaining starships, space stations, and other orbital structures, ensuring smooth operation.C-CGR4Q
Starship ArchitectENGINEERING AND TECHNICALStarship Architect: Visionaries who design starships, balancing functionality, durability, and aesthetics for interstellar travel.C-6248F
Starship EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALStarship Engineer: Technicians specializing in constructing and repairing starships, ensuring optimal performance and safety.C-OGVVY
Stellar ObserverENGINEERING AND TECHNICALStellar Observer: Scientists and engineers monitoring star activity to predict solar flares, black hole formation, or cosmic shifts.C-4JSJ3
Stellar TechsmithENGINEERING AND TECHNICALStellar Techsmith: Innovators creating cutting-edge technology inspired by stellar phenomena, like energy harnessing or fusion devices.C-AOLQ0
Systems ArchitectENGINEERING AND TECHNICALSystems Architect: Engineers who design and integrate complex systems, ensuring seamless operation across starships and space stations.C-7MD0X
Tech EngineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALTech Engineer: A versatile engineer working on general technological advancements, from software systems to hardware prototypes.C-HTRS4
TechnicianENGINEERING AND TECHNICALTechnician: General support staff skilled in maintaining and repairing a variety of technologies across spacefaring environments.C-BLYYA
TerraformerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALTerraformer: Experts in planetary engineering, transforming barren worlds into habitable ecosystems.C-N70OH
Terraforming BioengineerENGINEERING AND TECHNICALTerraforming Bioengineer: Scientists who create bioengineered organisms to assist in the terraforming process, such as oxygen-producing plants or fungi.C-R7ZU1
Terraforming SpecialistENGINEERING AND TECHNICALTerraforming Specialist: Professionals overseeing large-scale terraforming operations, ensuring successful adaptation of ecosystems.C-65AQD
Void DiplomatENGINEERING AND TECHNICALVoid Diplomat: Specialists managing relations between factions operating in the void, ensuring cooperation in resource-sharing and research.C-HKIMF
Void Stabilizer MechanicENGINEERING AND TECHNICALVoid Stabilizer Mechanic: Engineers who maintain devices stabilizing regions of the void to allow for safe exploration and settlement.C-R2O2Q
Voidcraft TechnicianENGINEERING AND TECHNICALVoidcraft Technician: Experts in designing and maintaining vessels equipped to operate in the harsh and unpredictable void.C-MNVS0
Aether WeaverMYSTICAL AND PSIONICAether Weaver: Mystics who manipulate aetheric energy to create powerful constructs, illusions, or defenses. They are often called upon to protect or empower their allies in battle.C-43JTJ
Astral DivinerMYSTICAL AND PSIONICAstral Diviner: Individuals who peer into the astral plane to foresee events, offering guidance and warnings about cosmic dangers or opportunities.C-3VIJM
Astral HealerMYSTICAL AND PSIONICAstral Healer: Mystical healers who use energy from the astral realm to mend physical and spiritual wounds.C-7ALOG
Aurora ManipulatorMYSTICAL AND PSIONICAurora Manipulator: Mystics who harness the power of cosmic auroras to channel energy, enhance their abilities, or create mesmerizing displays.C-342CJ
Bio-mancerMYSTICAL AND PSIONICBio-mancer: Mystical scientists who manipulate biological systems, blending magic and biology to create new life forms or heal damaged ones.C-PH2VP
Celestial ProphetMYSTICAL AND PSIONICCelestial Prophet: Visionaries who interpret cosmic signs, providing spiritual leadership and insight into celestial events.C-TY3NB
Cosmic AlchemistMYSTICAL AND PSIONICCosmic Alchemist: Practitioners who blend mystical energies and physical elements to create powerful potions, artifacts, or enhancements.C-2DV20
Cosmic DreamcatcherMYSTICAL AND PSIONICCosmic Dreamcatcher: Guardians of the dream realm, trapping malevolent forces that attempt to influence the dreams of beings across the universe.C-KEXV1
Cosmic VisionaryMYSTICAL AND PSIONICCosmic Visionary: Spiritual leaders who guide civilizations toward enlightenment by interpreting the interconnected energies of the cosmos.C-FOBGK
Dream Weaver (Fungal Division)MYSTICAL AND PSIONICDream Weaver (Fungal Division): Mystics specializing in manipulating dreams and consciousness through fungal spores, offering wisdom or healing through shared visions.C-JGIUP
Dreamscape NavigatorMYSTICAL AND PSIONICDreamscape Navigator: Travelers who explore and map the collective unconscious, seeking to protect or guide others within dream realms.C-6JLEA
Ethereal GuideMYSTICAL AND PSIONICEthereal Guide: Spiritual entities or beings who help others transition between life, death, and rebirth, serving as cosmic guardians.C-3FKGE
Ethereal PulseweaverMYSTICAL AND PSIONICEthereal Pulseweaver: Mystics who channel etherial energy to weave protective barriers, disrupt enemy forces, or enhance allies.C-YFP4T
Fungal MysticMYSTICAL AND PSIONICFungal Mystic: Mystical practitioners attuned to the spiritual aspects of fungi, drawing wisdom and power from mycelial networks.C-U24AE
GalvanizerMYSTICAL AND PSIONICGalvanizer: Mystics who infuse energy into dormant systems or beings, awakening their full potential.C-CJUVQ
Gravity ShaperMYSTICAL AND PSIONICGravity Shaper: Individuals who manipulate gravity fields through psionic or mystical means, shaping environments or combat scenarios to their advantage.C-IPZXC
Light-year OperatorMYSTICAL AND PSIONICLight-year Operator: Mystics who use light and time as tools to transport themselves or others across vast cosmic distances.C-S3H4Q
LuminaryMYSTICAL AND PSIONICLuminary: Beings of immense spiritual power who radiate light and wisdom, often serving as guides or protectors.C-SE894
Mycelial ConduitMYSTICAL AND PSIONICMycelial Conduit: Mystics who act as bridges between the mycelial network and physical beings, channeling wisdom and power through fungal pathways.C-DB3EM
Mycelial SeerMYSTICAL AND PSIONICMycelial Seer: Visionaries who interpret the energy and growth of mycelial networks, using their insights to guide cosmic decision-making.C-JJW65
OracleMYSTICAL AND PSIONICOracle: Mystics who serve as intermediaries between the divine and mortal realms, offering predictions and guidance.C-2OXN0
Psionic DreamshaperMYSTICAL AND PSIONICPsionic Dreamshaper: Specialists in crafting dreamscapes for individuals, allowing them to confront their fears or unlock their hidden potential.C-EW17A
Psionic PathbreakerMYSTICAL AND PSIONICPsionic Pathbreaker: Mystics who clear pathways through dangerous psionic energies, ensuring safe travel or communication.C-U0HOO
Spore OracleMYSTICAL AND PSIONICSpore Oracle: Mystics who commune with spores to predict events or reveal hidden truths about the Myco-Verse.C-56Q71
Spore WhispererMYSTICAL AND PSIONICSpore Whisperer: Individuals who interpret the subtle signals and messages of fungal spores, using their knowledge to guide others.C-1WBN8
Star OracleMYSTICAL AND PSIONICStar Oracle: Prophets who interpret the positions and movements of stars to foresee cosmic events and provide wisdom.C-M1J6H
Star WeaverMYSTICAL AND PSIONICStar Weaver: Mystics who manipulate star energy to create protective constructs or enhance their spiritual abilities.C-JQP32
StarfarerMYSTICAL AND PSIONICStarfarer: Spiritual travelers who explore the energy of stars, using their power for enlightenment and guidance.C-4AVJR
Starpath AlchemistMYSTICAL AND PSIONICStarpath Alchemist: Mystical practitioners who create pathways through space using alchemical and spiritual techniques, enabling safe passage across galaxies.C-QOKCE
Stellar MysticMYSTICAL AND PSIONICStellar Mystic: Spiritual guides who draw energy from stars, using it for healing, prophecy, or protection.C-RG4ZH
Starlight ReaderMYSTICAL AND PSIONICStarlight Reader: Mystics who interpret the light emitted by stars, uncovering messages about the past, present, or future.C-XT8L3
Sun HarvesterMYSTICAL AND PSIONICSun Harvester: Mystical engineers who harness the energy of suns for spiritual and practical applications, including healing and power generation.C-TZPRB
Techno-sorcererMYSTICAL AND PSIONICTechno-sorcerer: A blend of mystic and technologist, these individuals manipulate mystical energies through technological means to achieve incredible feats.C-JH5H2
Temporal VisionaryMYSTICAL AND PSIONICTemporal Visionary: Mystics who perceive the flow of time and offer guidance on navigating temporal challenges or anomalies.C-58YNC
Temporal WeaverMYSTICAL AND PSIONICTemporal Weaver: Individuals who use mystical energy to weave time threads, mending or altering events to preserve cosmic harmony.C-F3MT9
Void OracleMYSTICAL AND PSIONICVoid Oracle: Mystics attuned to the void, interpreting its silence and subtle whispers to uncover hidden truths.C-24I27
Void ProphetMYSTICAL AND PSIONICVoid Prophet: Spiritual leaders who draw inspiration from the void, offering guidance through its enigmatic wisdom.C-PYR2S
Void ShamanMYSTICAL AND PSIONICVoid Shaman: Mystics who explore the void and use its power for spiritual enlightenment, protection, or combat.C-33VUU
Aetheric TrailblazerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONAetheric Trailblazer: Explorers who chart aetheric pathways between realms, enabling faster and safer travel across dimensions.C-8YD1F
Astro-Terrain AnalystDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONAstro-Terrain Analyst: Specialists in studying alien terrain, assessing its suitability for habitation, resource extraction, or exploration.C-KJGNF
Asteroid MinerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONAsteroid Miner: Workers extracting valuable minerals and resources from asteroids, often operating under dangerous conditions.C-RXMMT
Celestial Survey TechnicianDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONCelestial Survey Technician: Engineers who analyze and document celestial phenomena, aiding navigation and discovery missions.C-K2A8E
Cosmic PathbreakerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONCosmic Pathbreaker: Pioneers who clear hazardous routes through space, enabling safe passage for vessels and colonies.C-2XXRY
Cosmic PathmakerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONCosmic Pathmaker: Trailblazers who forge new interstellar routes, linking previously unconnected regions of the cosmos.C-OI4ZR
Dimensional ExplorerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONDimensional Explorer: Adventurers who traverse dimensions to uncover new worlds, resources, and phenomena.C-AILRU
Dimensional Passage ScoutDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONDimensional Passage Scout: Scouts who assess the safety and stability of dimensional pathways before larger expeditions follow.C-4Z615
Exo-NavigatorDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONExo-Navigator: Guides specializing in navigating unfamiliar alien worlds, ensuring safe travel for exploratory teams.C-IDN7B
Exo-Terrain MapperDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONExo-Terrain Mapper: Technicians who create detailed maps of alien landscapes, documenting their features and resources.C-CHK7O
Fungal Trail MapperDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONFungal Trail Mapper: Experts mapping fungal ecosystems across planets, revealing their connections to other species and environments.C-KDU6E
Galactic Relic HunterDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONGalactic Relic Hunter: Explorers searching for ancient artifacts and relics of lost civilizations, often braving dangerous environments.C-WBS3W
Galactic SurveyorDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONGalactic Surveyor: Professionals documenting the features of star systems and planets, aiding in colonization and exploration efforts.C-SPYUR
Interstellar SurveyorDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONInterstellar Surveyor: Specialists conducting large-scale surveys of interstellar regions, cataloging resources, and charting safe travel routes.C-5NRFB
Land ExcavatorDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONLand Excavator: Workers operating machinery to uncover resources or archaeological treasures buried beneath planetary surfaces.C-ZZ1JV
Nebula ExplorerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONNebula Explorer: Adventurers studying nebulae, seeking to understand their energy and uncover their hidden secrets.C-3PM8L
Orbital CartographerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONOrbital Cartographer: Specialists mapping planetary orbits and gravitational fields, aiding navigation and exploration.C-KUHYL
Orbital ExplorerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONOrbital Explorer: Astronauts focused on studying and documenting celestial bodies from orbit, gathering critical data for future missions.C-AREAS
Planetary CartographerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONPlanetary Cartographer: Experts creating maps of planets’ surfaces, charting terrain, resources, and potential hazards.C-XO5FY
Planetary MapperDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONPlanetary Mapper: Specialists in mapping the geological and ecological features of planets to assist colonization efforts.C-LS66N
Planetary ProspectorDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONPlanetary Prospector: Explorers who assess planets for valuable resources, determining their economic or strategic viability.C-SPL7N
Resource TrackerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONResource Tracker: Specialists monitoring resource levels on planets or ships, ensuring sustainable use and planning.C-PSI9O
Rift ExplorerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONRift Explorer: Adventurers who venture into space-time rifts, uncovering the mysteries within and reporting back their findings.C-SRPIZ
Space NomadDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONSpace Nomad: Independent explorers who roam the universe, seeking discovery and adventure wherever they go.C-IG2GB
Spaceborne CartographerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONSpaceborne Cartographer: Specialists in mapping space phenomena, including star clusters, black holes, and cosmic currents.C-8W37T
Spatial GeologistDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONSpatial Geologist: Scientists studying the geological structures of alien planets and moons to understand their history and potential.C-81RNO
Spore Trail ExplorerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONSpore Trail Explorer: Adventurers following fungal spore paths across the cosmos, uncovering their connections to ancient networks.C-HRBBV
Starbound GuideDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONStarbound Guide: Navigators skilled in leading starship crews through hazardous regions, ensuring safe passage.C-V3HY4
Starbound ScoutDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONStarbound Scout: Scouts who venture ahead of larger expeditions to assess the safety of uncharted territories.C-UGEAZ
Terrain MapperDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONTerrain Mapper: Experts documenting the features of alien landscapes to guide colonists, researchers, and miners.C-1MJL5
Void Rift ExplorerDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONVoid Rift Explorer: Explorers investigating the unstable and dangerous regions of the void, uncovering their secrets.C-G3Q8J
XenogeologistDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONXenogeologist: Scientists studying the unique geology of alien planets, focusing on their resources and formation.C-8P6RQ
Xenoplanet BiologistDEEP-SPACE & PLANETARY EXPLORATIONXenoplanet Biologist: Specialists analyzing alien planets’ ecosystems, seeking to understand the diversity of life across the cosmos.C-M4HY3
Aether GardenerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALAether Gardener: Cultivators who use aetheric energy to nurture exotic plants and ecosystems, often creating self-sustaining habitats in space.C-A7MIJ
AstrofarmerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALAstrofarmer: Farmers cultivating crops in space-based environments, such as orbital habitats or asteroid farms, using advanced agricultural techniques.C-3UMR3
Builder (Stellar Architect)GALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALBuilder (Stellar Architect): Engineers and architects designing and constructing structures like starships, habitats, and space stations with precision and innovation.C-J8VXE
Cosmic ChefGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALCosmic Chef: Culinary artists who blend alien ingredients and advanced techniques to create dishes that bridge cultures across the galaxy.C-JPVN7
Cosmic GardenerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALCosmic Gardener: Specialists in cultivating extraterrestrial flora, maintaining balance in alien ecosystems for research or aesthetics.C-6AJB4
Cosmic PerformerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALCosmic Performer: Artists who entertain with music, dance, or theater, incorporating intergalactic influences into their acts.C-METX3
Cosmic StorytellerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALCosmic Storyteller: Bards and narrators who preserve and share the myths, histories, and legends of countless civilizations.C-NR0S4
Craft ArtisanGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALCraft Artisan: Skilled creators of handmade items, from tools to intricate artwork, using both traditional and advanced techniques.C-4OS2T
CourierGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALCourier: Workers transporting goods and messages across vast cosmic distances, often navigating hostile territories.C-R7PZE
Dimensional WeaverGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALDimensional Weaver: Craftspeople who create intricate designs or structures that exist partially in other dimensions, blending art with physics.C-59DSK
EntertainerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALEntertainer: A broad category encompassing performers, musicians, and comedians who bring joy and cultural exchange to interstellar audiences.C-RVY8K
Etherial ArtisanGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALEtherial Artisan: Artists using mystical energies to craft unique, living works of art that radiate spiritual significance.C-U93YB
Farmer (Cosmic)GALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALFarmer (Cosmic): Agriculturalists cultivating crops suited for alien environments, contributing to food supplies for space colonies.C-49SD2
Fungal WeaverGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALFungal Weaver: Craftspeople specializing in fungal-based materials, creating everything from textiles to bio-structures.C-NLVLS
Galactic MusicianGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALGalactic Musician: Artists producing music that resonates with interstellar audiences, often incorporating alien instruments and harmonics.C-2ZQR6
Galactic NomadGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALGalactic Nomad: Individuals who travel the galaxy without a permanent home, living off the land and their trade skills.C-MUQ8A
Interstellar ArtisanGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALInterstellar Artisan: Highly skilled creators who craft items or art pieces prized across multiple star systems.C-MURN3
Interstellar CourierGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALInterstellar Courier: Couriers specializing in delivering critical cargo and messages between star systems, often under tight deadlines.C-T8DV4
Interstellar NomadGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALInterstellar Nomad: Wanderers who drift between stars, living simple lives while exploring the beauty of the cosmos.C-GBVCU
MerchantGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALMerchant: Traders and shopkeepers who buy and sell goods across the galaxy, from basic supplies to rare artifacts.C-XHEWI
Orbital AgronomistGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALOrbital Agronomist: Experts in agricultural science, optimizing crop yields and sustainability in space-based farms.C-B4K4J
Orbital CraftsmanGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALOrbital Craftsman: Skilled laborers creating or repairing tools and devices in orbital facilities, often focusing on zero-gravity mechanics.C-NGRHC
Planetary MinerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALPlanetary Miner: Workers extracting valuable resources from planets, often under harsh and dangerous conditions.C-1WV0M
Resource GathererGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALResource Gatherer: General laborers tasked with collecting natural resources from planets, asteroids, or space debris.C-QYM8M
Spacefaring MerchantGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALSpacefaring Merchant: Traders who operate aboard starships, bringing goods to remote locations and fostering interstellar commerce.C-00GKE
SpacerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALSpacer: A general term for individuals who live and work in space, adapting to its challenges and opportunities.C-VO4N7
Stardust CrafterGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALStardust Crafter: Artisans who use rare cosmic materials, like stardust and asteroid ore, to create high-quality goods.C-HC1ED
Star MerchantGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALStar Merchant: Merchants operating at starports or aboard ships, specializing in intergalactic trade and negotiations.C-05U0O
Starship ChefGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALStarship Chef: Culinary experts aboard starships, ensuring crews are well-fed with nourishing and delicious meals during long journeys.C-7ONHH
Starship DesignerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALStarship Designer: Engineers and architects specializing in creating efficient, safe, and aesthetically pleasing starships.C-GQ2N7
TraderGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALTrader: General merchants involved in commerce across star systems, dealing in goods, services, and resources.C-H364M
Universal TeacherGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALUniversal Teacher: Educators who travel across galaxies, sharing knowledge and fostering understanding among diverse civilizations.C-MLWJP
Void DancerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALVoid Dancer: Performers who use the unique conditions of the void, like zero-gravity and light, to create captivating performances.C-0IUCC
Void RunnerGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALVoid Runner: Couriers and transporters who specialize in navigating the void, taking shortcuts through its unpredictable terrain.C-XQ3W8
Void SculptorGALACTIC CIVILIAN & OCCUPATIONALVoid Sculptor: Artists who create works of art inspired by or crafted within the void, often incorporating its mysterious properties.C-ZZNWS
Ascendant MycomancerCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEAscendant Mycomancer: Mystical fungal practitioners who have transcended physical boundaries, wielding unparalleled control over mycelial energies.C-PWR9C
Ascended Mycelium CultivatorCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEAscended Mycelium Cultivator: Experts in growing and nurturing advanced fungal networks with enhanced capabilities for energy, data, and life support.C-3O1TO
Cosmic Mushroom SymbioteCOSMIC MYCO-VERSECosmic Mushroom Symbiote: Beings who have fused with cosmic fungi, gaining unique abilities and a profound connection to the mycelial network.C-IFYR9
Cosmic Mycelial ExplorerCOSMIC MYCO-VERSECosmic Mycelial Explorer: Adventurers exploring the depths of the cosmic mycelial network, uncovering its secrets and connections across the universe.C-GVJ96
Cosmic Mycophage ExpertCOSMIC MYCO-VERSECosmic Mycophage Expert: Specialists studying fungal organisms that consume or integrate with other life forms, harnessing their power for good or ill.C-ZFHP1
Elder SporekeeperCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEElder Sporekeeper: Guardians of ancient spore archives, preserving the history and potential of fungal species for future generations.C-EO0NX
Fungal CartographerCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEFungal Cartographer: Experts mapping fungal ecosystems, both terrestrial and cosmic, revealing their influence on ecosystems.C-LPC95
Fungal DiplomatCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEFungal Diplomat: Representatives mediating relations between fungal civilizations and other cosmic factions, fostering peaceful coexistence.C-VW48X
Fungal Symbiosis DiplomatCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEFungal Symbiosis Diplomat: Specialists in promoting symbiotic relationships between fungi and other life forms, enhancing mutual survival and prosperity.C-70W5X
Fungal VoyagerCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEFungal Voyager: Cosmic travelers dedicated to exploring fungal realms and spreading their knowledge to other star systems.C-HUHPA
Galactic Mycelium KeeperCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEGalactic Mycelium Keeper: Guardians ensuring the health and growth of galactic fungal networks, protecting them from exploitation or decay.C-63HOQ
Interdimensional Mushroom HarvesterCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEInterdimensional Mushroom Harvester: Harvesters collecting mushrooms from alternate dimensions, often discovering unique and powerful species.C-DUUDO
Interstellar Spore PlanterCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEInterstellar Spore Planter: Individuals spreading fungal spores across planets and star systems, aiding in terraforming and ecosystem balance.C-B8SX1
Mycelial Nexus WeaverCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEMycelial Nexus Weaver: Mystics weaving connections between mycelial networks and other cosmic systems, enabling faster communication and resource sharing.C-NSDO9
Myco AlchemistCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEMyco Alchemist: Practitioners blending fungi and alchemy to create potions, medicines, and enhancements with powerful properties.C-HBRGV
Myco EcologistCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEMyco Ecologist: Scientists dedicated to studying fungi’s ecological impact on planets and their symbiotic relationships with other species.C-X04HV
Myco GuardianCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEMyco Guardian: Protectors of fungal ecosystems, defending them from over-harvesting, contamination, and exploitation.C-CAX4S
Myco-Psyonic AlchemistCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEMyco-Psyonic Alchemist: Mystics combining psionics and fungi to create unique mental and spiritual experiences for healing or enlightenment.C-7CUH9
Mushroom CartographerCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEMushroom Cartographer: Specialists mapping fungal species and their distribution across planets and ecosystems.C-2H00K
Spore EngineerCOSMIC MYCO-VERSESpore Engineer: Engineers designing technologies inspired by or integrated with fungal systems, advancing bioengineering and sustainability.C-YZ9V8
Spore KeeperCOSMIC MYCO-VERSESpore Keeper: Caretakers responsible for preserving and cultivating spore libraries, ensuring fungal diversity and continuity.C-DY6WD
Spore ResearcherCOSMIC MYCO-VERSESpore Researcher: Scientists studying spores’ properties, applications, and behavior in different environments.C-VWNP0
Spore Trail GuardianCOSMIC MYCO-VERSESpore Trail Guardian: Protectors ensuring the safe propagation of fungal spores across star systems, preserving their ecological roles.C-Z8Q76
Spore WardenCOSMIC MYCO-VERSESpore Warden: Elite defenders of mycelial territories, ensuring their sanctity and guarding against harmful invaders.C-AA1EB
Void Spore ShepherdCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEVoid Spore Shepherd: Guides helping spores flourish in the void, using advanced techniques to nurture their survival in hostile conditions.C-WICSE
Voidborn MycologistCOSMIC MYCO-VERSEVoidborn Mycologist: Specialists studying fungal species adapted to the void, uncovering their unique properties and survival mechanisms.C-33T52
Aether DiplomatSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESAether Diplomat: Negotiators specializing in disputes and alliances between factions operating in aetheric dimensions, ensuring harmony in high-energy realms.C-DQY9A
Astral EngineerSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESAstral Engineer: Engineers who design and construct structures or devices that exist partially in the astral plane, merging the physical and mystical.C-NO2XY
Chrono-AlchemistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESChrono-Alchemist: Practitioners blending alchemy and time manipulation, creating artifacts and solutions that alter or stabilize temporal flows.C-138OB
Chrono-WardenSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESChrono-Warden: Guardians responsible for maintaining the stability of time across dimensions, preventing temporal paradoxes and disruptions.C-TI3EZ
Cosmic Resource SpecialistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESCosmic Resource Specialist: Experts in identifying, harvesting, and managing rare cosmic resources critical to technological and biological advancements.C-82TZE
Dimensional Energy SpecialistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESDimensional Energy Specialist: Engineers and scientists dedicated to harnessing energy from alternate dimensions for interstellar power and innovation.C-ZU3BW
Dimensional PeacekeeperSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESDimensional Peacekeeper: Mediators ensuring stability between factions operating in overlapping or conflicting dimensions.C-RIBRP
Dimensional StrategistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESDimensional Strategist: Tactical experts who devise strategies for operations across multiple dimensions, accounting for their unique physics and properties.C-GXDXJ
Exo-TerraformerSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESExo-Terraformer: Specialists focused on altering the environments of alien planets to make them habitable for various species.C-HL51K
Galactic Beacon KeeperSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESGalactic Beacon Keeper: Custodians of interstellar beacons that provide navigation and communication across vast distances.C-VU2Q9
Galactic Bridge BuilderSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESGalactic Bridge Builder: Engineers and diplomats creating physical or political connections between disparate star systems and factions.C-7LJSO
Intergalactic MediatorSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESIntergalactic Mediator: Highly skilled negotiators resolving large-scale disputes between galaxies, balancing diverse interests and ensuring peaceful coexistence.C-ZESZM
Interstellar Habitat DesignerSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESInterstellar Habitat Designer: Visionaries designing self-sufficient habitats in space, blending functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability.C-ZQZDW
Orbital Archetype SpecialistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESOrbital Archetype Specialist: Scholars and engineers studying and reconstructing ancient orbital structures to understand their creators’ technology and culture.C-5P7U1
Quantum AmbassadorSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESQuantum Ambassador: Diplomats facilitating communication and alliances between factions using quantum communication systems and principles.C-08LE9
Quantum Rift MediatorSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESQuantum Rift Mediator: Specialists in stabilizing quantum rifts and negotiating agreements around their safe exploration or exploitation.C-ZVJQK
Sporeflow CartographerSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESSporeflow Cartographer: Scientists mapping the movement and influence of spores through the cosmic mycelial network, uncovering new pathways and connections.C-5ESRW
Stellar ArbiterSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESStellar Arbiter: Officials mediating disputes and enforcing laws across star systems, ensuring peace and justice.C-QSF0O
Stellar EcologistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESStellar Ecologist: Researchers studying the interactions between celestial phenomena and living organisms, promoting ecological harmony in space.C-RJ7M9
Stellar InterfacerSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESStellar Interfacer: Technologists who bridge the gap between organic life and star-based energy systems, enabling new forms of communication and power.C-ZS9GI
Stellar Rift NavigatorSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESStellar Rift Navigator: Experts in guiding vessels through unstable rifts in space, ensuring safe passage through hazardous regions.C-HAICU
Temporal ArchivistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESTemporal Archivist: Historians who record and preserve the history of time itself, documenting past, present, and potential futures.C-47F2H
Temporal GatekeeperSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESTemporal Gatekeeper: Guardians protecting access to time portals, ensuring they are not misused for harmful or selfish purposes.C-Z6NDG
Temporal NavigatorSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESTemporal Navigator: Specialists skilled in piloting vessels through time anomalies and temporal currents, avoiding paradoxes and hazards.C-5NU17
Time Rift SpecialistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESTime Rift Specialist: Experts in studying, stabilizing, and repairing rifts in time caused by natural or artificial disruptions.C-DWQ4Z
Universal HistorianSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESUniversal Historian: Scholars chronicling the events and achievements of all known civilizations across the universe, preserving their legacies.C-AQENO
Void SpecialistSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESVoid Specialist: Scientists and explorers dedicated to understanding the void’s mysteries and applying their findings to technological and cosmic advancements.C-AHK2Q
Void TerraformerSPECIALIZED COSMIC ROLESVoid Terraformer: Engineers creating livable environments within the void, using advanced technologies to counter its harsh and hostile conditions.C-91VMZ
Aether SaboteurDARK OCCUPATIONSAether Saboteur: Operatives who disrupt aetheric systems and structures, often working for hostile factions or for personal gain.C-GYSNC
Aether RenegadeDARK OCCUPATIONSAether Renegade: Rogue individuals who manipulate aetheric energy for destructive or self-serving purposes, ignoring cosmic laws.C-Z37TL
Astral Double AgentDARK OCCUPATIONSAstral Double Agent: Spies who operate in the astral plane, gathering intelligence for multiple factions while maintaining their cover.C-PFXMQ
Black Hole AssassinDARK OCCUPATIONSBlack Hole Assassin: Elite killers using the gravitational power of black holes to execute their targets or erase evidence.C-4G1LO
Black Sun OperativeDARK OCCUPATIONSBlack Sun Operative: Agents working for shadowy organizations tied to the enigmatic and destructive Black Sun phenomenon.C-8CEBU
Celestial Con ArtistDARK OCCUPATIONSCelestial Con Artist: Criminals using charm, technology, and cosmic illusions to deceive and exploit others across star systems.C-CJ0RO
Celestial Dark MageDARK OCCUPATIONSCelestial Dark Mage: Mystics who wield destructive celestial forces to sow chaos and advance malevolent agendas.C-JABLF
Cosmic Black Market BrokerDARK OCCUPATIONSCosmic Black Market Broker: Traders dealing in forbidden goods and dangerous technologies, operating outside legal jurisdictions.C-DW6VD
Cosmic Space PirateDARK OCCUPATIONSCosmic Space Pirate: Ruthless criminals who raid starships, colonies, and trade routes, disrupting interstellar commerce.C-9MCO0
Dark Rift NavigatorDARK OCCUPATIONSDark Rift Navigator: Specialists who guide ships through hazardous dark rifts, often for illicit purposes like smuggling or evasion.C-LPX8W
Dimensional BanditDARK OCCUPATIONSDimensional Bandit: Criminals exploiting dimensional rifts to steal resources or escape capture, leaving chaos in their wake.C-2YOFL
Dimensional SpyDARK OCCUPATIONSDimensional Spy: Operatives who infiltrate alternate dimensions to gather intelligence or sabotage rival factions.C-TXWSH
Eclipse CultistDARK OCCUPATIONSEclipse Cultist: Members of shadowy organizations worshipping destructive cosmic phenomena, seeking to hasten their arrival.C-Z4MUH
Energy Leech SpecialistDARK OCCUPATIONSEnergy Leech Specialist: Criminals who siphon energy from ships, colonies, or stars, leaving their targets vulnerable.C-5E8Y7
Etherial SaboteurDARK OCCUPATIONSEtherial Saboteur: Operatives skilled in disrupting mystical systems and etherial constructs, destabilizing their targets.C-3Q6AQ
Exo-Bounty RogueDARK OCCUPATIONSExo-Bounty Rogue: Bounty hunters who operate outside the law, often accepting contracts from hostile or criminal factions.C-Y9436
Fungal Arms DealerDARK OCCUPATIONSFungal Arms Dealer: Criminals specializing in the trade of weaponized fungal spores and mycelial technology.C-OI97Q
Fungal Syndicate OperativeDARK OCCUPATIONSFungal Syndicate Operative: Members of organized crime groups leveraging fungal systems for profit, power, or control.C-TK667
Galactic MarauderDARK OCCUPATIONSGalactic Marauder: Raiders who attack settlements and ships, leaving destruction and chaos in their wake.C-5J5PD
Gravity BanditDARK OCCUPATIONSGravity Bandit: Criminals using gravity manipulation to destabilize starships or stations, making them easy targets for plunder.C-OX8E7
Hyperdrive HijackerDARK OCCUPATIONSHyperdrive Hijacker: Criminals who seize starships in transit, forcing their crews to surrender or redirect their cargo.C-C3K7X
Interdimensional SaboteurDARK OCCUPATIONSInterdimensional Saboteur: Operatives who disrupt interdimensional travel or systems, causing widespread chaos.C-ESYXE
Interstellar MercenaryDARK OCCUPATIONSInterstellar Mercenary: Soldiers of fortune who fight for the highest bidder, regardless of their employer’s motives.C-51ACD
Myco Underworld EnforcerDARK OCCUPATIONSMyco Underworld Enforcer: Enforcers for criminal organizations specializing in fungal-based crimes, ensuring debts are paid or rivals eliminated.C-GZYFW
Nebula OutlawDARK OCCUPATIONSNebula Outlaw: Criminals who use nebulae as hideouts, launching raids or ambushes from their obscured locations.C-LF85U
Orbital Crime BossDARK OCCUPATIONSOrbital Crime Boss: Leaders of criminal syndicates operating from orbital stations, controlling smuggling routes and illegal enterprises.C-O4NDA
Planetary PlundererDARK OCCUPATIONSPlanetary Plunderer: Raiders who strip planets of their resources, often leaving them barren and uninhabitable.C-128CN
Psionic InfiltratorDARK OCCUPATIONSPsionic Infiltrator: Criminals using psionic abilities to manipulate, spy, or sabotage targets from within.C-LG5WP
Quantum ContrabandistDARK OCCUPATIONSQuantum Contrabandist: Smugglers dealing in illegal quantum technologies, evading detection with advanced techniques.C-RZ1GP
Rift WarlordDARK OCCUPATIONSRift Warlord: Commanders who use space-time rifts to launch devastating attacks or establish dominion over contested regions.C-RQO3M
Rogue TerraformerDARK OCCUPATIONSRogue Terraformer: Engineers who alter planets for profit or power, ignoring the long-term consequences of their actions.C-RB0WU
Shadow Consortium AgentDARK OCCUPATIONSShadow Consortium Agent: Members of secretive organizations controlling illicit trade, political manipulation, and espionage.C-01Z3N
Shadow SmugglerDARK OCCUPATIONSShadow Smuggler: Operatives moving illegal goods through untraceable routes, often using cloaking technology.C-RMYZQ
Spore Syndicate BossDARK OCCUPATIONSSpore Syndicate Boss: Leaders of criminal organizations profiting from fungal-based drugs, bioweapons, and illegal technology.C-AQ5VJ
Starforge PoacherDARK OCCUPATIONSStarforge Poacher: Criminals who illegally mine and exploit resources from starforges, disrupting the balance of cosmic creation.C-51YXO
Starshade OperatorDARK OCCUPATIONSStarshade Operator: Agents specializing in covert operations under the cover of cosmic phenomena, striking unseen.C-03DY6
Stellar CorsairDARK OCCUPATIONSStellar Corsair: Spacefaring pirates attacking trade routes and colonies, operating with advanced ships and ruthless tactics.C-J0MGR
Stellar WarlockDARK OCCUPATIONSStellar Warlock: Mystics who wield dark celestial powers for destruction, often in service of hostile factions.C-GD354
Temporal Artifact ThiefDARK OCCUPATIONSTemporal Artifact Thief: Criminals stealing valuable artifacts linked to time, often destabilizing timelines for personal gain.C-1KJ0W
Temporal LooterDARK OCCUPATIONSTemporal Looter: Raiders exploiting time anomalies to plunder treasures and artifacts from the past or future.C-0YK6U
Void RaiderDARK OCCUPATIONSVoid Raider: Ruthless criminals navigating the void to ambush ships or steal valuable resources.C-0TXJU
Void SalvagerDARK OCCUPATIONSVoid Salvager: Scavengers who harvest resources from void wreckage, often selling their findings to questionable buyers.C-FH9L4
Cosmic AmnesiacRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDCosmic Amnesiac: Individuals who have lost their memories due to exposure to cosmic phenomena or temporal disruptions, wandering the universe in search of their identity.C-RGE2R
Cosmic DrifterRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDCosmic Drifter: Wanderers who move aimlessly through the galaxy, living off odd jobs and fleeting alliances.C-UBCVG
Cosmic LoitererRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDCosmic Loiterer: Beings who occupy stations, starports, or colonies without purpose, often seen as nuisances by authorities.C-YYMBA
Cosmic MisfitRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDCosmic Misfit: Individuals who struggle to fit into any faction or role, often due to their unorthodox beliefs or behaviors.C-E63AM
Cosmic RenegadeRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDCosmic Renegade: Former members of factions who have turned their backs on their allegiances, living on the fringes of the law.C-Z03U1
Decommissioned SentinelRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDDecommissioned Sentinel: Guardians or enforcers who have been retired from duty, often seeking new purpose or work.C-DXKC2
Dimensional FugitiveRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDDimensional Fugitive: Criminals fleeing justice by escaping into alternate dimensions, remaining elusive to most trackers.C-UO782
Dimensional OutcastRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDDimensional Outcast: Beings exiled from their home dimension, forced to adapt to unfamiliar realms.C-005W8
Disavowed ExplorerRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDDisavowed Explorer: Former explorers who have been stripped of their titles and funding due to misconduct or catastrophic failures.C-6WGUQ
Dormant SpecialistRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDDormant Specialist: Highly skilled individuals who have temporarily withdrawn from their professions due to burnout, injury, or personal reasons.C-JOGK5
Ex-Council MemberRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDEx-Council Member: Former leaders who have been removed from their positions, often due to political upheaval or scandal.C-0ONUP
Exo-RebelRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDExo-Rebel: Defectors from alien factions, living as fugitives while opposing their former allies.C-5MOHB
Exiled DiplomatRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDExiled Diplomat: Diplomats cast out from their civilizations, often blamed for failed negotiations or betrayals.C-O43OJ
Furloughed Crew MemberRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDFurloughed Crew Member: Starship personnel temporarily laid off due to budget cuts, mission failures, or mechanical issues.C-Q9XUN
Galactic DropoutRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDGalactic Dropout: Individuals who have abandoned formal education or training, often struggling to find meaningful work.C-CGVX6
Galactic PauperRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDGalactic Pauper: Beings living in poverty, unable to access the resources and opportunities available in wealthier factions.C-E2FYH
Grounded NavigatorRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDGrounded Navigator: Pilots who have lost their licenses or privileges, confined to planetside work or idle lives.C-FPAUC
Grounded PilotRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDGrounded Pilot: Skilled pilots restricted from flying due to injury, revoked licenses, or disciplinary actions.C-K62XZ
Inactive OperativeRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDInactive Operative: Former agents who are no longer active due to retirement, injury, or disillusionment.C-VO051
Interstellar VagrantRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDInterstellar Vagrant: Beings who wander star systems without a permanent home or steady income, surviving on the goodwill of others.C-UVPGD
Non-Aligned EntityRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDNon-Aligned Entity: Individuals or species choosing to remain independent of any faction, living without alliances or protection.C-H2OB0
Non-Designated EntityRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDNon-Designated Entity: Beings who lack any official role, title, or classification, existing outside the established systems of governance.C-1CWVD
Planetary RefugeeRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDPlanetary Refugee: Survivors of planetary disasters or conflicts, forced to flee and rebuild their lives in unfamiliar territories.C-Q06LD
Quantum VagabondRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDQuantum Vagabond: Wanderers who traverse time and space, often unintentionally, as a result of temporal or quantum anomalies.C-TFXYX
Restricted TravelerRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDRestricted Traveler: Individuals under travel bans or restrictions due to legal, political, or health reasons.C-W9WXO
Revoked DiplomatRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDRevoked Diplomat: Diplomats who have lost their credentials due to breaches of trust or failed negotiations.C-9WPPX
Rogue TraderRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDRogue Trader: Independent merchants operating outside official regulations, often engaging in smuggling or unlicensed commerce.C-N3B0P
Suspended OfficerRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDSuspended Officer: Law enforcement personnel temporarily removed from duty pending investigations or disciplinary actions.C-4TH3A
Temporal ExileRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDTemporal Exile: Beings cast out of their timeline, living in unfamiliar eras with no way to return.C-6TSOJ
Temporal OutcastRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDTemporal Outcast: Individuals shunned by temporal societies due to their disruptive influence on time-related events.C-H0881
Temporary ObserverRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDTemporary Observer: Specialists brought in for short-term missions or studies, often left without clear future assignments.C-W741H
Unaligned AgentRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDUnaligned Agent: Operatives who work independently of any faction, taking jobs from multiple parties without long-term commitments.C-6VGJY
Unlicensed NavigatorRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDUnlicensed Navigator: Pilots operating without proper credentials, often taking dangerous jobs or working in outlawed regions.C-HVAFS
Unregistered CitizenRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDUnregistered Citizen: Individuals who exist outside official databases or records, often struggling to access resources and rights.C-BYSQM
Void RecluseRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDVoid Recluse: Solitary beings living in isolation within the void, avoiding contact with other civilizations.C-PZFEB
Void WandererRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDVoid Wanderer: Explorers and drifters who navigate the void without clear goals, drawn by its mysteries.C-JIFX2
Wandering NomadRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDWandering Nomad: Beings who travel aimlessly across planets and star systems, embracing a life of exploration and simplicity.C-DSSI0
Wandering ResearcherRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDWandering Researcher: Scientists and academics who pursue knowledge independently, often outside the bounds of institutions or factions.C-IN2EW
Wayward ExplorerRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDWayward Explorer: Adventurers who have strayed far from their original missions, often becoming lost in the depths of space.C-WZ0G1
Astral MisfitRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDAstral Misfit: Individuals whose astral abilities set them apart, often misunderstood or marginalized by their societies.C-BZE49
UNKNOWNRESTRICTED | LIMITED | UNEMPLOYEDUNKNOWN: Beings or entities whose origins, intentions, or purposes remain a mystery, evoking both curiosity and caution.C-UNK000
This Database showcases a comprehensive list of CRITs, detailing the unique roles, responsibilities, and designations within the Cosmic Myco-Verse. It serves as a guide to the diverse functions and hierarchies that shape the intergalactic and dimensional realms, offering insight into leadership, exploration, science, mysticism, and more.


  • Ambassador: A representative skilled in diplomacy, tasked with maintaining peace and fostering alliances between realms, factions, or interstellar species. Ambassadors are pivotal in resolving disputes and negotiating treaties.
  • Arbitrator: A neutral decision-maker called upon to mediate disputes and conflicts, often appointed during jurisdictional disagreements or inter-faction trade negotiations.
  • Chief: A leader of a specific faction, tribe, or group, overseeing operations and making high-level decisions to guide their people toward prosperity.
  • Commander: A military or exploration leader responsible for directing starships, fleets, or planetary operations during missions, campaigns, or emergencies.
  • Cosmic Arbiter: A higher-level arbitrator operating across interdimensional or cosmic disputes, with authority granted by universal coalitions or ancient laws.
  • Cosmic Legislator: A lawmaker tasked with drafting and enforcing intergalactic or cosmic-level policies, ensuring the harmony of diverse species and realms.
  • Cosmic Sage: An ancient, wise leader who advises on spiritual, strategic, and existential matters. They are highly revered for their insight and cosmic perspective.
  • Councilor: A member of a governing council responsible for advising and aiding leaders in decision-making processes for their faction or realm.
  • Diplomatic Courier: Trusted agents who deliver sensitive information, treaties, or artifacts between factions, navigating dangerous territories with discretion.
  • Dimension Overseer: A key figure managing the stability and well-being of an entire dimensional plane, ensuring laws of physics and energy flows are balanced.
  • Director: A managerial leader who oversees organizations, projects, or enterprises with galaxy-wide influence, such as research institutes or economic initiatives.
  • Emissary: A special envoy sent on a mission to establish contact, communicate proposals, or serve as a liaison between distant factions.
  • Envoy: A diplomat or representative sent to foster goodwill or alliances between cosmic factions, often working under an ambassador.
  • Etherial Delegate: A mystical representative of etherial realms, often bringing messages or decisions from spiritual planes to the physical world.
  • Galactic Diplomat: A skilled negotiator working across galaxies to maintain peace, build alliances, and represent the interests of their civilization.
  • Galactic Regent: A temporary ruler overseeing a galactic empire or region, often during a transitional or emergency period.
  • Galactic Steward: A caretaker and administrator of galactic resources, focusing on sustainability and ecological balance within star systems.
  • Guardian: A protector of a realm, artifact, or people, often chosen for their unwavering loyalty and ability to defend against cosmic threats.
  • High Council Magistrate: A senior official within an intergalactic governing body, responsible for enforcing cosmic laws and mediating complex disputes.
  • High Elder: A revered leader within a spiritual or mystical faction, known for their wisdom and connection to cosmic energies.
  • High Priest: A male spiritual leader who conducts rituals and maintains the connection between the divine and their followers.
  • High Priestess: A female spiritual leader entrusted with guiding her people’s spiritual path and interpreting divine messages.
  • Interdimensional Consul: A senior diplomat specializing in interdimensional relations, maintaining stability between parallel universes.
  • Intergalactic Coordinator: An organizer and manager of large-scale intergalactic operations, from trade routes to peacekeeping missions.
  • Judicator: A figure of absolute authority in matters of justice, often presiding over trials with far-reaching cosmic implications.
  • Lieutenant: A second-in-command figure assisting commanders or chiefs, ensuring directives are executed efficiently.
  • Omni-Admiral: A top-ranking military officer in charge of massive cosmic fleets or interstellar campaigns.
  • Omni-Senator: A legislative leader within a universal governing body, advocating for their faction’s interests.
  • Overseer: A manager or governor with a broad mandate to supervise operations across multiple star systems or dimensions.
  • Peacekeeper: A neutral enforcer of peace agreements, intervening in conflicts to protect civilian lives and uphold cosmic treaties.
  • Planetary Custodian: A caretaker of a specific planet, ensuring its ecological and social stability.
  • Planetary Ombudsman: A representative who handles grievances and advocates for the rights of planetary citizens within a broader cosmic framework.
  • Policy Maker: A creator of policies and laws that impact multiple galaxies, striving for equity and progress across diverse populations.
  • Realm Arbiter: A mediator specializing in disputes within specific realms, ensuring fair outcomes for all parties involved.
  • Realm Protector: A guardian responsible for defending the safety and sovereignty of a realm against external threats.
  • Representative: A spokesperson or delegate who voices the interests of their faction within a governing council or assembly.
  • Sector Chief: A leader responsible for a specific sector of space, managing its resources, security, and well-being.
  • Sovereign: A monarch or supreme ruler overseeing an empire, often uniting multiple star systems under their reign.
  • Stellar Executor: An enforcer of high-level decrees and decisions, ensuring their implementation across star systems.
  • Stellar Magistrate: A judicial figure responsible for interpreting and enforcing laws on an interstellar scale.
  • Stellar Sovereign: A ruler of a star system or constellation, balancing governance with maintaining cosmic harmony.
  • Supreme: A title denoting the ultimate authority within a faction, often revered as both leader and symbol of unity.
  • Supreme Spore Lord: A unique title for the head of a fungal faction, emphasizing their dominance and wisdom in mycelial matters.
  • Temporal Commander: A leader overseeing operations involving time travel, ensuring the stability of temporal mechanics.
  • Universal Mediator: A diplomat of the highest caliber, resolving disputes that span galaxies and involve multiple factions.


  • Archivist: A keeper of historical records and cosmic knowledge, ensuring important data and artifacts are preserved for future generations.
  • Astrochemist: A scientist specializing in the study of chemical compositions and reactions in space, from star formation to alien atmospheres.
  • Astroecosystem Engineer: Experts in designing and maintaining ecosystems for sustainable life in space habitats or terraformed planets.
  • Astrogeologist: A geologist focused on the structure, composition, and history of planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial bodies.
  • Astrobiologist: A researcher dedicated to studying life in the universe, from microbial organisms to intelligent alien species.
  • Bioengineer: A specialist in integrating biology with technology, creating innovations like bio-mechanical organisms and organic tech systems.
  • Bioinformatics Researcher: A scientist using data and computational tools to analyze complex biological systems, particularly in alien life forms.
  • Chronomancer: A researcher of time and its manipulation, studying temporal anomalies, time loops, and the effects of time travel.
  • Cosmic Geneticist: A genetic engineer focusing on the DNA of interstellar species, enhancing biological traits or creating hybrid organisms.
  • Cosmic Researcher: A general term for scientists studying any phenomena across the cosmos, from energy waves to dark matter.
  • Cryogenic Specialist: Experts in freezing and preserving life forms or materials for long-term storage or space travel.
  • Data Scientist: A researcher specializing in analyzing large datasets, often drawn from mycelial networks or intergalactic data streams.
  • Dimensional Analyst: A scientist exploring the structures and interactions between dimensions, working to understand their unique properties.
  • Dimensional Biochemist: A specialist studying biochemical interactions in alternate dimensions, focusing on unique molecular compositions.
  • Energy Physicist: A physicist studying the behavior of energy across the cosmos, from quantum fields to star emissions.
  • Exo-archaeologist: A scientist uncovering ancient artifacts and civilizations on alien worlds, piecing together the history of the universe.
  • Exo-biologist: Researchers focused on the biology of extraterrestrial life, examining their anatomy, behavior, and ecosystems.
  • Exo-Historian: Historians uncovering and documenting the histories of alien species, cosmic conflicts, and ancient alliances.
  • Exo-Symbiosis Specialist: A scientist studying symbiotic relationships between alien species or between life forms and fungi.
  • Fungal Ecologist: Experts in the ecological roles of fungi across various environments, from planetary surfaces to interstellar ecosystems.
  • Fungal Gene Splicer: Specialists in modifying fungal DNA to create new, beneficial strains for medicine, agriculture, or technology.
  • Galactic Archivist: A historian and curator of records spanning galaxies, preserving ancient knowledge for scholarly and public use.
  • Healer: A practitioner of traditional and advanced techniques for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
  • Intergalactic Knowledge Curator: An individual managing vast libraries of cosmic knowledge, ensuring its accessibility and security.
  • Knowledge Keeper: Custodians of ancient wisdom, entrusted with safeguarding sacred texts, artifacts, and oral traditions.
  • Linguist: An expert in the languages of alien species and intergalactic trade tongues, facilitating communication across vast distances.
  • Medical Savant: A medical genius capable of devising cures, treatments, and advanced medical solutions for a wide range of species.
  • Mycelial Data Analyst: Specialists who analyze the flow of data through mycelial networks, uncovering patterns and predicting outcomes.
  • Mycelial Engineer: Engineers who design and maintain systems that integrate with fungal networks, harnessing their power for communication and energy.
  • Mycologist: Researchers dedicated to the study of fungi, exploring their uses, ecological importance, and impact on the universe.
  • Neurocyberneticist: Scientists studying the intersection of neuroscience and cybernetics, enhancing mental capacity or creating neural interfaces.
  • Planetary Evolutionary Biologist: Specialists studying the evolution of life on specific planets, analyzing its adaptability and biodiversity.
  • Professor: An academic authority specializing in teaching and advancing cosmic sciences or humanities across the Myco-Verse.
  • Quantum Engineer: A cutting-edge scientist who manipulates quantum mechanics to create advanced technologies, from energy systems to teleportation.
  • Quantum Fungal Ecologist: Researchers studying fungi’s role at a quantum level, exploring their potential in teleportation and computation.
  • Quantum Pharmacist: Pharmacists creating medicines that operate on quantum principles, curing ailments across multiple dimensions.
  • Quantum Technician: Technicians specializing in the application of quantum mechanics in machinery, energy systems, and computation.
  • Researcher: A general term for individuals pursuing answers to questions about the universe, from physics to biology.
  • Scholar: A specialist in academia, dedicating their life to the study of specific fields of intergalactic knowledge.
  • Scientist: A practitioner of scientific methods, exploring the natural and cosmic phenomena to uncover universal truths.
  • Scribe: Record-keepers who document events, discoveries, and histories for posterity.
  • Space Doctor: Medical professionals specializing in treating ailments caused by space travel, including exposure to radiation and zero gravity.
  • Stellar Ecologist: Ecologists studying the interconnected systems within star systems, ensuring environmental stability across planets.
  • Stellar Linguistic Anthropologist: Experts studying the relationship between language, culture, and environment in extraterrestrial societies.
  • Subterranean Mycologist: A mycologist specializing in underground fungal ecosystems, uncovering their hidden roles in planetary processes.
  • Temporal Physicist: Scientists focused on the nature of time and its effects, studying temporal anomalies and time travel.
  • Temporal Scholar: Academics devoted to understanding time, its flows, and its impact on the cosmos.
  • Xenobiologist: Researchers studying alien life forms, focusing on their unique physiology and ecosystems.
  • Xenolinguist: Linguists specializing in the languages of extraterrestrial civilizations, decoding their syntax and meaning.


  • Astrobiological Medic: A medical professional specializing in treating ailments and conditions unique to extraterrestrial life forms, ensuring their health during interstellar travel.
  • Bio-medic: A general practitioner using advanced biological methods to treat injuries and illnesses in various species.
  • Bioluminescent Pathologist: A specialist studying bioluminescent organisms and their diseases, often seeking to harness their properties for medical use.
  • Biotechnician: Technicians who operate and maintain biotechnology, bridging biology and engineering to enhance medical systems and tools.
  • Cosmic Surgeon: Surgeons skilled in operating on diverse life forms, often under extreme conditions such as zero gravity or high radiation.
  • Cryogenic Specialist: Medical professionals overseeing the preservation and revival of life forms through cryogenics, ensuring safety and viability.
  • Etherial Medic: Healers specializing in using etherial energy and mystical techniques to cure spiritual and physical ailments.
  • Exo-medic: Doctors who focus on providing medical care in extraterrestrial environments, adapting treatments to alien physiology and conditions.
  • Exo-Plague Researcher: Specialists investigating extraterrestrial pandemics, developing treatments and containment strategies for alien diseases.
  • Fungal Pathologist: Experts studying fungal diseases, both in terrestrial and extraterrestrial life, and devising treatments to combat infections.
  • Galactic Trauma Responder: First responders equipped to handle emergencies in space, including injuries from crashes, battles, or cosmic phenomena.
  • Geneticist: Scientists and medics focusing on genetic manipulation to cure diseases, enhance traits, and create adaptive organisms.
  • Healer: Traditional medical practitioners who use a combination of spiritual, herbal, and advanced techniques to provide holistic care.
  • Mycelial Medic: Doctors specializing in using fungal-based medicines and treatments, often integrating with mycelial networks for advanced care.
  • Myco-Genetic Healer: A healer who uses fungal genetic engineering to create unique cures and treatments for interspecies ailments.
  • Myco-Medic: Medical professionals focusing specifically on fungal-derived treatments and their applications across the universe.
  • Nano-Healer: Specialists in using nanotechnology for precise and minimally invasive medical treatments, repairing cells at the molecular level.
  • Nano-Medic: Doctors trained in nanotechnology applications, capable of treating complex illnesses and injuries with advanced tools.
  • Neural Medic: A medical professional focusing on brain and nervous system health, often incorporating cybernetic and psionic technologies.
  • Psionic Neurologist: A neurologist specializing in psionic beings, treating mental and neurological conditions related to psychic abilities.
  • Pulse Medic: Emergency responders trained to stabilize and heal patients in dangerous environments using energy-based treatments.
  • Quantum Pharmacist: Pharmacists creating advanced medications that operate on quantum principles, effective across multiple dimensions.
  • Regenerative Bioengineer: Engineers developing regenerative therapies and technologies, enabling the regrowth of organs and limbs.
  • Space Doctor: Physicians treating medical conditions related to prolonged space travel, such as bone density loss and radiation exposure.
  • Spore Infusion Specialist: Medical professionals using fungal spores in therapies to boost immunity, heal wounds, or enhance physical abilities.
  • Temporal Healer: Healers adept at reversing time’s effects on injuries or diseases, restoring health without invasive procedures.
  • Temporal Surgery Specialist: Surgeons using time manipulation techniques to perform highly precise, non-invasive procedures.
  • Trauma Specialist: Experts in treating acute injuries, particularly in high-risk situations like cosmic battles or planetary disasters.
  • Xenomedic: Medical professionals trained to care for alien species, adapting treatments to their unique physiologies.


  • Astro-Combat Specialist: Elite soldiers trained in space warfare, capable of operating in zero-gravity combat scenarios.
  • Bounty Hunter: Freelancers who track and capture targets across galaxies, often working outside official jurisdiction.
  • Captain: Leaders commanding starships or fleets, responsible for mission success and crew safety.
  • Cosmic Strategist: Military tacticians devising plans to secure victory in interstellar conflicts and battles.
  • Cybersecurity Operative: Specialists defending systems and networks from cyber threats, often working against rogue AIs or digital sabotage.
  • Dimensional Scout: Operatives exploring new dimensions to gather intelligence and assess potential threats or opportunities.
  • Dimensional Strike Operative: Soldiers trained in cross-dimensional combat, using specialized tools to neutralize threats in unstable realities.
  • Energy Shield Specialist: Engineers and operatives maintaining energy shield systems to protect ships, planets, or individuals from harm.
  • Fugitive Recovery Agent: Operatives tasked with tracking and capturing fugitives across interstellar territories.
  • Galactic Warden: Enforcers of galactic laws, patrolling vast areas to maintain peace and stability.
  • Head Hunter: Expert trackers specializing in locating and eliminating high-value targets, often working as hired mercenaries.
  • Hyperdimensional Tracker: Trackers skilled in following targets across multiple dimensions, using advanced tools and intuition.
  • Hyperjump Recon Expert: Scouts who specialize in gathering intelligence during hyperjump travel, ensuring safe passage and preparation.
  • Inspector: Investigators tasked with uncovering crime, corruption, or sabotage across cosmic jurisdictions.
  • Intergalactic Enforcer: Law enforcement officers with authority across galaxies, ensuring peace and justice.
  • Interstellar Peacekeeper: Agents who intervene in conflicts to mediate or enforce ceasefires between warring factions.
  • Interstellar Tactician: Strategic planners who develop military campaigns and defense systems for interstellar conflicts.
  • Investigator: Detectives who solve mysteries and crimes in the vast expanse of space, often uncovering cosmic conspiracies.
  • Mycelium Operative: Elite agents who use fungal-based technology for reconnaissance, sabotage, or combat.
  • Myco-Warrior: Fighters trained to harness fungal-based weapons and abilities, often acting as protectors of fungal realms.
  • Officer: General military personnel trained for various roles within fleets, planetary defense, or interdimensional security.
  • Orbital Patrol Officer: Officers responsible for safeguarding planetary orbits, monitoring for illegal activity or potential threats.
  • Pathfinder: Explorers and navigators skilled in charting unknown territories and guiding missions through hazardous regions.
  • Pilot: Skilled starship operators navigating vessels through space, often under extreme conditions.
  • Private Investigator: Freelance detectives solving personal or factional cases in the cosmos.
  • Psionic Combat Specialist: Soldiers using psionic abilities in battle, such as telekinesis or mind control.
  • Psionic Sentinel: Guardians trained to protect high-value individuals or locations using psionic skills.
  • Recon Specialist: Experts in gathering intelligence and conducting surveillance in high-risk environments.
  • Security Architect: Designers of advanced security systems, including physical, digital, and dimensional defenses.
  • Sentinel: Defenders trained to protect important locations or individuals from threats, often highly disciplined and armed.
  • Shieldbearer: Warriors trained to use advanced shielding technology to protect themselves and their allies in combat.
  • Skip Tracer: Operatives specializing in tracking fugitives who evade capture by jumping between systems or dimensions.
  • Space Nomad: Wanderers living independently in the cosmos, surviving off their skills and resourcefulness.
  • Space Pirate: Criminals who raid starships and colonies, often operating outside the bounds of interstellar law.
  • Specialist: Military or tactical experts trained in specific areas like explosives, hacking, or infiltration.
  • Spore Blade Knight: Warriors wielding spore-infused blades, known for their deadly precision and fungal-enhanced abilities.
  • Spore Vanguard: Elite fighters leading the charge in battles involving fungal factions, often enhanced by mycelial technology.
  • Starbound Marshal: High-ranking law enforcement officers tasked with maintaining order across multiple star systems.
  • Starship Defender: Specialists tasked with defending starships from external threats like pirates or hostile factions.
  • Stellar Guard: Security forces protecting star systems, ensuring peace and stability within their jurisdiction.
  • Stellar Shieldbearer: Fighters who specialize in advanced defensive tactics, using energy shields to protect allies and key locations.
  • Surveillance Specialist: Operatives gathering intelligence through surveillance systems, monitoring potential threats.
  • Tracker: Hunters adept at finding targets, using technology and intuition to follow trails across the cosmos.
  • Void Corsair: Space pirates operating in the void, known for their ruthless tactics and evasive maneuvers.
  • Void Enforcer: Law enforcement agents patrolling dangerous void regions, ensuring safety and order.
  • Void Guardian: Protectors of void ecosystems, ensuring their preservation and guarding against exploitation.
  • Void Walker: Explorers skilled at navigating the perilous and uncharted regions of the void.


  • Aether Drive Engineer: Specialists in designing, building, and maintaining aether-based propulsion systems that allow for interdimensional travel and faster-than-light speeds.
  • Aether Mechanic: Engineers who troubleshoot and repair aether-powered technologies, ensuring starships and other devices operate efficiently.
  • Astro Sculptor: Creators of intricate cosmic designs, crafting space stations, starships, or orbital habitats with both form and function in mind.
  • Astrogator: Navigators skilled in charting courses through interstellar and interdimensional space, avoiding hazards and optimizing travel routes.
  • Bio-Integrated Engineer: Pioneers of technologies that seamlessly blend organic and mechanical systems, creating living machines and bio-synthetic constructs.
  • Cartographer: Experts in mapping unexplored regions of space, documenting star systems, planetary surfaces, and cosmic phenomena.
  • Celestial Cartographer: Specialists focusing on the detailed mapping of celestial bodies and their gravitational interactions within star systems.
  • Chrono-smith: Engineers specializing in time-based technologies, crafting devices that manipulate or stabilize temporal fields.
  • Cosmic Terraforming Operator: Professionals responsible for transforming barren planets into habitable worlds using advanced terraforming technologies.
  • Dimensional Engineer: Engineers dedicated to constructing and maintaining systems that operate across dimensions, such as portals or stabilizers.
  • Dimensional Rift Repairer: Technicians trained to stabilize and close dangerous rifts in the fabric of space-time, preventing catastrophic dimensional collapse.
  • Energy Manipulator: Engineers working with raw energy, creating systems to harness and utilize power sources like stars, dark matter, or mycelial flows.
  • Energy Systems Architect: Designers of energy networks for starships, planets, and interstellar colonies, focusing on efficiency and sustainability.
  • Exo-navigator: Specialists guiding exploration teams through alien terrain, ensuring safe travel and optimal routes.
  • Galactic Explorer: Engineers and scientists leading expeditions to uncover new star systems, planets, and anomalies.
  • Galactic Network Architect: Designers of vast communication and data-sharing networks that span entire galaxies, enabling instant interstellar connections.
  • Gravity Engineer: Engineers creating and manipulating artificial gravity systems for starships, stations, and planetary colonies.
  • Hyperdrive Specialist: Experts in hyperdrive technology, ensuring starships can safely and efficiently traverse vast cosmic distances.
  • Interdimensional Grid Engineer: Builders of complex energy grids that span dimensions, powering interdimensional colonies and facilities.
  • Interdimensional Tunnel Builder: Engineers constructing stable pathways through dimensions, allowing for safe and reliable transport.
  • Interstellar Construction Foreman: Leaders overseeing large-scale construction projects in space, such as habitats, spaceports, or orbital arrays.
  • Lunar Architect: Engineers specializing in building sustainable habitats and infrastructure on moons, adapting to low gravity and harsh conditions.
  • Nano-Constructor: Experts in nano-scale engineering, crafting materials and devices molecule by molecule for advanced applications.
  • Nano-Construct Specialist: Technicians focused on maintaining and advancing nano-constructed systems, from medical tools to starship components.
  • Orbital Energy Harvester: Engineers designing and maintaining systems that capture energy from celestial bodies, such as solar panels or tidal generators.
  • Orbital Pilot: Pilots trained to navigate and operate spacecraft in orbital zones, ensuring precise docking and efficient resource collection.
  • Plasma Mechanic: Specialists working with plasma-based technologies, such as weapons, propulsion systems, and power generators.
  • Quantum Engineer: Engineers applying quantum mechanics to create advanced technologies, from teleportation systems to quantum computing arrays.
  • Quantum Field Mechanic: Experts maintaining quantum field generators that stabilize and manipulate space-time.
  • Quantum Shipwright: Designers and builders of quantum-powered starships, integrating cutting-edge technology with innovative designs.
  • Reactor Technician: Operators responsible for maintaining the reactors that power starships and space stations, ensuring safety and efficiency.
  • Solar Energy Harvester: Engineers focused on harnessing solar energy to power interstellar colonies and vessels.
  • Spatial Rift Technician: Specialists tasked with detecting, managing, and repairing spatial rifts caused by cosmic phenomena or technological malfunctions.
  • Space Mechanic: General engineers maintaining starships, space stations, and other orbital structures, ensuring smooth operation.
  • Starship Architect: Visionaries who design starships, balancing functionality, durability, and aesthetics for interstellar travel.
  • Starship Engineer: Technicians specializing in constructing and repairing starships, ensuring optimal performance and safety.
  • Stellar Observer: Scientists and engineers monitoring star activity to predict solar flares, black hole formation, or cosmic shifts.
  • Stellar Techsmith: Innovators creating cutting-edge technology inspired by stellar phenomena, like energy harnessing or fusion devices.
  • Systems Architect: Engineers who design and integrate complex systems, ensuring seamless operation across starships and space stations.
  • Tech Engineer: A versatile engineer working on general technological advancements, from software systems to hardware prototypes.
  • Technician: General support staff skilled in maintaining and repairing a variety of technologies across spacefaring environments.
  • Terraformer: Experts in planetary engineering, transforming barren worlds into habitable ecosystems.
  • Terraforming Bioengineer: Scientists who create bioengineered organisms to assist in the terraforming process, such as oxygen-producing plants or fungi.
  • Terraforming Specialist: Professionals overseeing large-scale terraforming operations, ensuring successful adaptation of ecosystems.
  • Void Diplomat: Specialists managing relations between factions operating in the void, ensuring cooperation in resource-sharing and research.
  • Void Stabilizer Mechanic: Engineers who maintain devices stabilizing regions of the void to allow for safe exploration and settlement.
  • Voidcraft Technician: Experts in designing and maintaining vessels equipped to operate in the harsh and unpredictable void.


  • Aether Weaver: Mystics who manipulate aetheric energy to create powerful constructs, illusions, or defenses. They are often called upon to protect or empower their allies in battle.
  • Astral Diviner: Individuals who peer into the astral plane to foresee events, offering guidance and warnings about cosmic dangers or opportunities.
  • Astral Healer: Mystical healers who use energy from the astral realm to mend physical and spiritual wounds.
  • Aurora Manipulator: Mystics who harness the power of cosmic auroras to channel energy, enhance their abilities, or create mesmerizing displays.
  • Bio-mancer: Mystical scientists who manipulate biological systems, blending magic and biology to create new life forms or heal damaged ones.
  • Celestial Prophet: Visionaries who interpret cosmic signs, providing spiritual leadership and insight into celestial events.
  • Cosmic Alchemist: Practitioners who blend mystical energies and physical elements to create powerful potions, artifacts, or enhancements.
  • Cosmic Dreamcatcher: Guardians of the dream realm, trapping malevolent forces that attempt to influence the dreams of beings across the universe.
  • Cosmic Visionary: Spiritual leaders who guide civilizations toward enlightenment by interpreting the interconnected energies of the cosmos.
  • Dream Weaver (Fungal Division): Mystics specializing in manipulating dreams and consciousness through fungal spores, offering wisdom or healing through shared visions.
  • Dreamscape Navigator: Travelers who explore and map the collective unconscious, seeking to protect or guide others within dream realms.
  • Ethereal Guide: Spiritual entities or beings who help others transition between life, death, and rebirth, serving as cosmic guardians.
  • Ethereal Pulseweaver: Mystics who channel etherial energy to weave protective barriers, disrupt enemy forces, or enhance allies.
  • Fungal Mystic: Mystical practitioners attuned to the spiritual aspects of fungi, drawing wisdom and power from mycelial networks.
  • Galvanizer: Mystics who infuse energy into dormant systems or beings, awakening their full potential.
  • Gravity Shaper: Individuals who manipulate gravity fields through psionic or mystical means, shaping environments or combat scenarios to their advantage.
  • Light-year Operator: Mystics who use light and time as tools to transport themselves or others across vast cosmic distances.
  • Luminary: Beings of immense spiritual power who radiate light and wisdom, often serving as guides or protectors.
  • Mycelial Conduit: Mystics who act as bridges between the mycelial network and physical beings, channeling wisdom and power through fungal pathways.
  • Mycelial Seer: Visionaries who interpret the energy and growth of mycelial networks, using their insights to guide cosmic decision-making.
  • Oracle: Mystics who serve as intermediaries between the divine and mortal realms, offering predictions and guidance.
  • Psionic Dreamshaper: Specialists in crafting dreamscapes for individuals, allowing them to confront their fears or unlock their hidden potential.
  • Psionic Pathbreaker: Mystics who clear pathways through dangerous psionic energies, ensuring safe travel or communication.
  • Spore Oracle: Mystics who commune with spores to predict events or reveal hidden truths about the Myco-Verse.
  • Spore Whisperer: Individuals who interpret the subtle signals and messages of fungal spores, using their knowledge to guide others.
  • Star Oracle: Prophets who interpret the positions and movements of stars to foresee cosmic events and provide wisdom.
  • Star Weaver: Mystics who manipulate star energy to create protective constructs or enhance their spiritual abilities.
  • Starfarer: Spiritual travelers who explore the energy of stars, using their power for enlightenment and guidance.
  • Starpath Alchemist: Mystical practitioners who create pathways through space using alchemical and spiritual techniques, enabling safe passage across galaxies.
  • Stellar Mystic: Spiritual guides who draw energy from stars, using it for healing, prophecy, or protection.
  • Starlight Reader: Mystics who interpret the light emitted by stars, uncovering messages about the past, present, or future.
  • Sun Harvester: Mystical engineers who harness the energy of suns for spiritual and practical applications, including healing and power generation.
  • Techno-sorcerer: A blend of mystic and technologist, these individuals manipulate mystical energies through technological means to achieve incredible feats.
  • Temporal Visionary: Mystics who perceive the flow of time and offer guidance on navigating temporal challenges or anomalies.
  • Temporal Weaver: Individuals who use mystical energy to weave time threads, mending or altering events to preserve cosmic harmony.
  • Void Oracle: Mystics attuned to the void, interpreting its silence and subtle whispers to uncover hidden truths.
  • Void Prophet: Spiritual leaders who draw inspiration from the void, offering guidance through its enigmatic wisdom.
  • Void Shaman: Mystics who explore the void and use its power for spiritual enlightenment, protection, or combat.


  • Aetheric Trailblazer: Explorers who chart aetheric pathways between realms, enabling faster and safer travel across dimensions.
  • Astro-Terrain Analyst: Specialists in studying alien terrain, assessing its suitability for habitation, resource extraction, or exploration.
  • Asteroid Miner: Workers extracting valuable minerals and resources from asteroids, often operating under dangerous conditions.
  • Celestial Survey Technician: Engineers who analyze and document celestial phenomena, aiding navigation and discovery missions.
  • Cosmic Pathbreaker: Pioneers who clear hazardous routes through space, enabling safe passage for vessels and colonies.
  • Cosmic Pathmaker: Trailblazers who forge new interstellar routes, linking previously unconnected regions of the cosmos.
  • Dimensional Explorer: Adventurers who traverse dimensions to uncover new worlds, resources, and phenomena.
  • Dimensional Passage Scout: Scouts who assess the safety and stability of dimensional pathways before larger expeditions follow.
  • Exo-Navigator: Guides specializing in navigating unfamiliar alien worlds, ensuring safe travel for exploratory teams.
  • Exo-Terrain Mapper: Technicians who create detailed maps of alien landscapes, documenting their features and resources.
  • Fungal Trail Mapper: Experts mapping fungal ecosystems across planets, revealing their connections to other species and environments.
  • Galactic Relic Hunter: Explorers searching for ancient artifacts and relics of lost civilizations, often braving dangerous environments.
  • Galactic Surveyor: Professionals documenting the features of star systems and planets, aiding in colonization and exploration efforts.
  • Interstellar Surveyor: Specialists conducting large-scale surveys of interstellar regions, cataloging resources, and charting safe travel routes.
  • Land Excavator: Workers operating machinery to uncover resources or archaeological treasures buried beneath planetary surfaces.
  • Nebula Explorer: Adventurers studying nebulae, seeking to understand their energy and uncover their hidden secrets.
  • Orbital Cartographer: Specialists mapping planetary orbits and gravitational fields, aiding navigation and exploration.
  • Orbital Explorer: Astronauts focused on studying and documenting celestial bodies from orbit, gathering critical data for future missions.
  • Planetary Cartographer: Experts creating maps of planets’ surfaces, charting terrain, resources, and potential hazards.
  • Planetary Mapper: Specialists in mapping the geological and ecological features of planets to assist colonization efforts.
  • Planetary Prospector: Explorers who assess planets for valuable resources, determining their economic or strategic viability.
  • Resource Tracker: Specialists monitoring resource levels on planets or ships, ensuring sustainable use and planning.
  • Rift Explorer: Adventurers who venture into space-time rifts, uncovering the mysteries within and reporting back their findings.
  • Space Nomad: Independent explorers who roam the universe, seeking discovery and adventure wherever they go.
  • Spaceborne Cartographer: Specialists in mapping space phenomena, including star clusters, black holes, and cosmic currents.
  • Spatial Geologist: Scientists studying the geological structures of alien planets and moons to understand their history and potential.
  • Spore Trail Explorer: Adventurers following fungal spore paths across the cosmos, uncovering their connections to ancient networks.
  • Starbound Guide: Navigators skilled in leading starship crews through hazardous regions, ensuring safe passage.
  • Starbound Scout: Scouts who venture ahead of larger expeditions to assess the safety of uncharted territories.
  • Terrain Mapper: Experts documenting the features of alien landscapes to guide colonists, researchers, and miners.
  • Void Rift Explorer: Explorers investigating the unstable and dangerous regions of the void, uncovering their secrets.
  • Xenogeologist: Scientists studying the unique geology of alien planets, focusing on their resources and formation.
  • Xenoplanet Biologist: Specialists analyzing alien planets’ ecosystems, seeking to understand the diversity of life across the cosmos.


  • Aether Gardener: Cultivators who use aetheric energy to nurture exotic plants and ecosystems, often creating self-sustaining habitats in space.
  • Astrofarmer: Farmers cultivating crops in space-based environments, such as orbital habitats or asteroid farms, using advanced agricultural techniques.
  • Builder (Stellar Architect): Engineers and architects designing and constructing structures like starships, habitats, and space stations with precision and innovation.
  • Cosmic Chef: Culinary artists who blend alien ingredients and advanced techniques to create dishes that bridge cultures across the galaxy.
  • Cosmic Gardener: Specialists in cultivating extraterrestrial flora, maintaining balance in alien ecosystems for research or aesthetics.
  • Cosmic Performer: Artists who entertain with music, dance, or theater, incorporating intergalactic influences into their acts.
  • Cosmic Storyteller: Bards and narrators who preserve and share the myths, histories, and legends of countless civilizations.
  • Craft Artisan: Skilled creators of handmade items, from tools to intricate artwork, using both traditional and advanced techniques.
  • Courier: Workers transporting goods and messages across vast cosmic distances, often navigating hostile territories.
  • Dimensional Weaver: Craftspeople who create intricate designs or structures that exist partially in other dimensions, blending art with physics.
  • Entertainer: A broad category encompassing performers, musicians, and comedians who bring joy and cultural exchange to interstellar audiences.
  • Etherial Artisan: Artists using mystical energies to craft unique, living works of art that radiate spiritual significance.
  • Farmer (Cosmic): Agriculturalists cultivating crops suited for alien environments, contributing to food supplies for space colonies.
  • Fungal Weaver: Craftspeople specializing in fungal-based materials, creating everything from textiles to bio-structures.
  • Galactic Musician: Artists producing music that resonates with interstellar audiences, often incorporating alien instruments and harmonics.
  • Galactic Nomad: Individuals who travel the galaxy without a permanent home, living off the land and their trade skills.
  • Interstellar Artisan: Highly skilled creators who craft items or art pieces prized across multiple star systems.
  • Interstellar Courier: Couriers specializing in delivering critical cargo and messages between star systems, often under tight deadlines.
  • Interstellar Nomad: Wanderers who drift between stars, living simple lives while exploring the beauty of the cosmos.
  • Merchant: Traders and shopkeepers who buy and sell goods across the galaxy, from basic supplies to rare artifacts.
  • Orbital Agronomist: Experts in agricultural science, optimizing crop yields and sustainability in space-based farms.
  • Orbital Craftsman: Skilled laborers creating or repairing tools and devices in orbital facilities, often focusing on zero-gravity mechanics.
  • Planetary Miner: Workers extracting valuable resources from planets, often under harsh and dangerous conditions.
  • Resource Gatherer: General laborers tasked with collecting natural resources from planets, asteroids, or space debris.
  • Spacefaring Merchant: Traders who operate aboard starships, bringing goods to remote locations and fostering interstellar commerce.
  • Spacer: A general term for individuals who live and work in space, adapting to its challenges and opportunities.
  • Stardust Crafter: Artisans who use rare cosmic materials, like stardust and asteroid ore, to create high-quality goods.
  • Star Merchant: Merchants operating at starports or aboard ships, specializing in intergalactic trade and negotiations.
  • Starship Chef: Culinary experts aboard starships, ensuring crews are well-fed with nourishing and delicious meals during long journeys.
  • Starship Designer: Engineers and architects specializing in creating efficient, safe, and aesthetically pleasing starships.
  • Trader: General merchants involved in commerce across star systems, dealing in goods, services, and resources.
  • Universal Teacher: Educators who travel across galaxies, sharing knowledge and fostering understanding among diverse civilizations.
  • Void Dancer: Performers who use the unique conditions of the void, like zero-gravity and light, to create captivating performances.
  • Void Runner: Couriers and transporters who specialize in navigating the void, taking shortcuts through its unpredictable terrain.
  • Void Sculptor: Artists who create works of art inspired by or crafted within the void, often incorporating its mysterious properties.


  • Ascendant Mycomancer: Mystical fungal practitioners who have transcended physical boundaries, wielding unparalleled control over mycelial energies.
  • Ascended Mycelium Cultivator: Experts in growing and nurturing advanced fungal networks with enhanced capabilities for energy, data, and life support.
  • Cosmic Mushroom Symbiote: Beings who have fused with cosmic fungi, gaining unique abilities and a profound connection to the mycelial network.
  • Cosmic Mycelial Explorer: Adventurers exploring the depths of the cosmic mycelial network, uncovering its secrets and connections across the universe.
  • Cosmic Mycophage Expert: Specialists studying fungal organisms that consume or integrate with other life forms, harnessing their power for good or ill.
  • Elder Sporekeeper: Guardians of ancient spore archives, preserving the history and potential of fungal species for future generations.
  • Fungal Cartographer: Experts mapping fungal ecosystems, both terrestrial and cosmic, revealing their influence on ecosystems.
  • Fungal Diplomat: Representatives mediating relations between fungal civilizations and other cosmic factions, fostering peaceful coexistence.
  • Fungal Symbiosis Diplomat: Specialists in promoting symbiotic relationships between fungi and other life forms, enhancing mutual survival and prosperity.
  • Fungal Voyager: Cosmic travelers dedicated to exploring fungal realms and spreading their knowledge to other star systems.
  • Galactic Mycelium Keeper: Guardians ensuring the health and growth of galactic fungal networks, protecting them from exploitation or decay.
  • Interdimensional Mushroom Harvester: Harvesters collecting mushrooms from alternate dimensions, often discovering unique and powerful species.
  • Interstellar Spore Planter: Individuals spreading fungal spores across planets and star systems, aiding in terraforming and ecosystem balance.
  • Mycelial Nexus Weaver: Mystics weaving connections between mycelial networks and other cosmic systems, enabling faster communication and resource sharing.
  • Myco Alchemist: Practitioners blending fungi and alchemy to create potions, medicines, and enhancements with powerful properties.
  • Myco Ecologist: Scientists dedicated to studying fungi’s ecological impact on planets and their symbiotic relationships with other species.
  • Myco Guardian: Protectors of fungal ecosystems, defending them from over-harvesting, contamination, and exploitation.
  • Myco-Psyonic Alchemist: Mystics combining psionics and fungi to create unique mental and spiritual experiences for healing or enlightenment.
  • Mushroom Cartographer: Specialists mapping fungal species and their distribution across planets and ecosystems.
  • Spore Engineer: Engineers designing technologies inspired by or integrated with fungal systems, advancing bioengineering and sustainability.
  • Spore Keeper: Caretakers responsible for preserving and cultivating spore libraries, ensuring fungal diversity and continuity.
  • Spore Researcher: Scientists studying spores’ properties, applications, and behavior in different environments.
  • Spore Trail Guardian: Protectors ensuring the safe propagation of fungal spores across star systems, preserving their ecological roles.
  • Spore Warden: Elite defenders of mycelial territories, ensuring their sanctity and guarding against harmful invaders.
  • Void Spore Shepherd: Guides helping spores flourish in the void, using advanced techniques to nurture their survival in hostile conditions.
  • Voidborn Mycologist: Specialists studying fungal species adapted to the void, uncovering their unique properties and survival mechanisms.


  • Aether Diplomat: Negotiators specializing in disputes and alliances between factions operating in aetheric dimensions, ensuring harmony in high-energy realms.
  • Astral Engineer: Engineers who design and construct structures or devices that exist partially in the astral plane, merging the physical and mystical.
  • Chrono-Alchemist: Practitioners blending alchemy and time manipulation, creating artifacts and solutions that alter or stabilize temporal flows.
  • Chrono-Warden: Guardians responsible for maintaining the stability of time across dimensions, preventing temporal paradoxes and disruptions.
  • Cosmic Resource Specialist: Experts in identifying, harvesting, and managing rare cosmic resources critical to technological and biological advancements.
  • Dimensional Energy Specialist: Engineers and scientists dedicated to harnessing energy from alternate dimensions for interstellar power and innovation.
  • Dimensional Peacekeeper: Mediators ensuring stability between factions operating in overlapping or conflicting dimensions.
  • Dimensional Strategist: Tactical experts who devise strategies for operations across multiple dimensions, accounting for their unique physics and properties.
  • Exo-Terraformer: Specialists focused on altering the environments of alien planets to make them habitable for various species.
  • Galactic Beacon Keeper: Custodians of interstellar beacons that provide navigation and communication across vast distances.
  • Galactic Bridge Builder: Engineers and diplomats creating physical or political connections between disparate star systems and factions.
  • Intergalactic Mediator: Highly skilled negotiators resolving large-scale disputes between galaxies, balancing diverse interests and ensuring peaceful coexistence.
  • Interstellar Habitat Designer: Visionaries designing self-sufficient habitats in space, blending functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability.
  • Orbital Archetype Specialist: Scholars and engineers studying and reconstructing ancient orbital structures to understand their creators’ technology and culture.
  • Quantum Ambassador: Diplomats facilitating communication and alliances between factions using quantum communication systems and principles.
  • Quantum Rift Mediator: Specialists in stabilizing quantum rifts and negotiating agreements around their safe exploration or exploitation.
  • Sporeflow Cartographer: Scientists mapping the movement and influence of spores through the cosmic mycelial network, uncovering new pathways and connections.
  • Stellar Arbiter: Officials mediating disputes and enforcing laws across star systems, ensuring peace and justice.
  • Stellar Ecologist: Researchers studying the interactions between celestial phenomena and living organisms, promoting ecological harmony in space.
  • Stellar Interfacer: Technologists who bridge the gap between organic life and star-based energy systems, enabling new forms of communication and power.
  • Stellar Rift Navigator: Experts in guiding vessels through unstable rifts in space, ensuring safe passage through hazardous regions.
  • Temporal Archivist: Historians who record and preserve the history of time itself, documenting past, present, and potential futures.
  • Temporal Gatekeeper: Guardians protecting access to time portals, ensuring they are not misused for harmful or selfish purposes.
  • Temporal Navigator: Specialists skilled in piloting vessels through time anomalies and temporal currents, avoiding paradoxes and hazards.
  • Time Rift Specialist: Experts in studying, stabilizing, and repairing rifts in time caused by natural or artificial disruptions.
  • Universal Historian: Scholars chronicling the events and achievements of all known civilizations across the universe, preserving their legacies.
  • Void Specialist: Scientists and explorers dedicated to understanding the void’s mysteries and applying their findings to technological and cosmic advancements.
  • Void Terraformer: Engineers creating livable environments within the void, using advanced technologies to counter its harsh and hostile conditions.


  • Aether Saboteur: Operatives who disrupt aetheric systems and structures, often working for hostile factions or for personal gain.
  • Aether Renegade: Rogue individuals who manipulate aetheric energy for destructive or self-serving purposes, ignoring cosmic laws.
  • Astral Double Agent: Spies who operate in the astral plane, gathering intelligence for multiple factions while maintaining their cover.
  • Black Hole Assassin: Elite killers using the gravitational power of black holes to execute their targets or erase evidence.
  • Black Sun Operative: Agents working for shadowy organizations tied to the enigmatic and destructive Black Sun phenomenon.
  • Celestial Con Artist: Criminals using charm, technology, and cosmic illusions to deceive and exploit others across star systems.
  • Celestial Dark Mage: Mystics who wield destructive celestial forces to sow chaos and advance malevolent agendas.
  • Cosmic Black Market Broker: Traders dealing in forbidden goods and dangerous technologies, operating outside legal jurisdictions.
  • Cosmic Space Pirate: Ruthless criminals who raid starships, colonies, and trade routes, disrupting interstellar commerce.
  • Dark Rift Navigator: Specialists who guide ships through hazardous dark rifts, often for illicit purposes like smuggling or evasion.
  • Dimensional Bandit: Criminals exploiting dimensional rifts to steal resources or escape capture, leaving chaos in their wake.
  • Dimensional Spy: Operatives who infiltrate alternate dimensions to gather intelligence or sabotage rival factions.
  • Eclipse Cultist: Members of shadowy organizations worshipping destructive cosmic phenomena, seeking to hasten their arrival.
  • Energy Leech Specialist: Criminals who siphon energy from ships, colonies, or stars, leaving their targets vulnerable.
  • Etherial Saboteur: Operatives skilled in disrupting mystical systems and etherial constructs, destabilizing their targets.
  • Exo-Bounty Rogue: Bounty hunters who operate outside the law, often accepting contracts from hostile or criminal factions.
  • Fungal Arms Dealer: Criminals specializing in the trade of weaponized fungal spores and mycelial technology.
  • Fungal Syndicate Operative: Members of organized crime groups leveraging fungal systems for profit, power, or control.
  • Galactic Marauder: Raiders who attack settlements and ships, leaving destruction and chaos in their wake.
  • Gravity Bandit: Criminals using gravity manipulation to destabilize starships or stations, making them easy targets for plunder.
  • Hyperdrive Hijacker: Criminals who seize starships in transit, forcing their crews to surrender or redirect their cargo.
  • Interdimensional Saboteur: Operatives who disrupt interdimensional travel or systems, causing widespread chaos.
  • Interstellar Mercenary: Soldiers of fortune who fight for the highest bidder, regardless of their employer’s motives.
  • Myco Underworld Enforcer: Enforcers for criminal organizations specializing in fungal-based crimes, ensuring debts are paid or rivals eliminated.
  • Nebula Outlaw: Criminals who use nebulae as hideouts, launching raids or ambushes from their obscured locations.
  • Orbital Crime Boss: Leaders of criminal syndicates operating from orbital stations, controlling smuggling routes and illegal enterprises.
  • Planetary Plunderer: Raiders who strip planets of their resources, often leaving them barren and uninhabitable.
  • Psionic Infiltrator: Criminals using psionic abilities to manipulate, spy, or sabotage targets from within.
  • Quantum Contrabandist: Smugglers dealing in illegal quantum technologies, evading detection with advanced techniques.
  • Rift Warlord: Commanders who use space-time rifts to launch devastating attacks or establish dominion over contested regions.
  • Rogue Terraformer: Engineers who alter planets for profit or power, ignoring the long-term consequences of their actions.
  • Shadow Consortium Agent: Members of secretive organizations controlling illicit trade, political manipulation, and espionage.
  • Shadow Smuggler: Operatives moving illegal goods through untraceable routes, often using cloaking technology.
  • Spore Syndicate Boss: Leaders of criminal organizations profiting from fungal-based drugs, bioweapons, and illegal technology.
  • Starforge Poacher: Criminals who illegally mine and exploit resources from starforges, disrupting the balance of cosmic creation.
  • Starshade Operator: Agents specializing in covert operations under the cover of cosmic phenomena, striking unseen.
  • Stellar Corsair: Spacefaring pirates attacking trade routes and colonies, operating with advanced ships and ruthless tactics.
  • Stellar Warlock: Mystics who wield dark celestial powers for destruction, often in service of hostile factions.
  • Temporal Artifact Thief: Criminals stealing valuable artifacts linked to time, often destabilizing timelines for personal gain.
  • Temporal Looter: Raiders exploiting time anomalies to plunder treasures and artifacts from the past or future.
  • Void Raider: Ruthless criminals navigating the void to ambush ships or steal valuable resources.
  • Void Salvager: Scavengers who harvest resources from void wreckage, often selling their findings to questionable buyers.


  • Cosmic Amnesiac: Individuals who have lost their memories due to exposure to cosmic phenomena or temporal disruptions, wandering the universe in search of their identity.
  • Cosmic Drifter: Wanderers who move aimlessly through the galaxy, living off odd jobs and fleeting alliances.
  • Cosmic Loiterer: Beings who occupy stations, starports, or colonies without purpose, often seen as nuisances by authorities.
  • Cosmic Misfit: Individuals who struggle to fit into any faction or role, often due to their unorthodox beliefs or behaviors.
  • Cosmic Renegade: Former members of factions who have turned their backs on their allegiances, living on the fringes of the law.
  • Decommissioned Sentinel: Guardians or enforcers who have been retired from duty, often seeking new purpose or work.
  • Dimensional Fugitive: Criminals fleeing justice by escaping into alternate dimensions, remaining elusive to most trackers.
  • Dimensional Outcast: Beings exiled from their home dimension, forced to adapt to unfamiliar realms.
  • Disavowed Explorer: Former explorers who have been stripped of their titles and funding due to misconduct or catastrophic failures.
  • Dormant Specialist: Highly skilled individuals who have temporarily withdrawn from their professions due to burnout, injury, or personal reasons.
  • Ex-Council Member: Former leaders who have been removed from their positions, often due to political upheaval or scandal.
  • Exo-Rebel: Defectors from alien factions, living as fugitives while opposing their former allies.
  • Exiled Diplomat: Diplomats cast out from their civilizations, often blamed for failed negotiations or betrayals.
  • Furloughed Crew Member: Starship personnel temporarily laid off due to budget cuts, mission failures, or mechanical issues.
  • Galactic Dropout: Individuals who have abandoned formal education or training, often struggling to find meaningful work.
  • Galactic Pauper: Beings living in poverty, unable to access the resources and opportunities available in wealthier factions.
  • Grounded Navigator: Pilots who have lost their licenses or privileges, confined to planetside work or idle lives.
  • Grounded Pilot: Skilled pilots restricted from flying due to injury, revoked licenses, or disciplinary actions.
  • Inactive Operative: Former agents who are no longer active due to retirement, injury, or disillusionment.
  • Interstellar Vagrant: Beings who wander star systems without a permanent home or steady income, surviving on the goodwill of others.
  • Non-Aligned Entity: Individuals or species choosing to remain independent of any faction, living without alliances or protection.
  • Non-Designated Entity: Beings who lack any official role, title, or classification, existing outside the established systems of governance.
  • Planetary Refugee: Survivors of planetary disasters or conflicts, forced to flee and rebuild their lives in unfamiliar territories.
  • Quantum Vagabond: Wanderers who traverse time and space, often unintentionally, as a result of temporal or quantum anomalies.
  • Restricted Traveler: Individuals under travel bans or restrictions due to legal, political, or health reasons.
  • Revoked Diplomat: Diplomats who have lost their credentials due to breaches of trust or failed negotiations.
  • Rogue Trader: Independent merchants operating outside official regulations, often engaging in smuggling or unlicensed commerce.
  • Suspended Officer: Law enforcement personnel temporarily removed from duty pending investigations or disciplinary actions.
  • Temporal Exile: Beings cast out of their timeline, living in unfamiliar eras with no way to return.
  • Temporal Outcast: Individuals shunned by temporal societies due to their disruptive influence on time-related events.
  • Temporary Observer: Specialists brought in for short-term missions or studies, often left without clear future assignments.
  • Unaligned Agent: Operatives who work independently of any faction, taking jobs from multiple parties without long-term commitments.
  • Unlicensed Navigator: Pilots operating without proper credentials, often taking dangerous jobs or working in outlawed regions.
  • Unregistered Citizen: Individuals who exist outside official databases or records, often struggling to access resources and rights.
  • Void Recluse: Solitary beings living in isolation within the void, avoiding contact with other civilizations.
  • Void Wanderer: Explorers and drifters who navigate the void without clear goals, drawn by its mysteries.
  • Wandering Nomad: Beings who travel aimlessly across planets and star systems, embracing a life of exploration and simplicity.
  • Wandering Researcher: Scientists and academics who pursue knowledge independently, often outside the bounds of institutions or factions.
  • Wayward Explorer: Adventurers who have strayed far from their original missions, often becoming lost in the depths of space.
  • Astral Misfit: Individuals whose astral abilities set them apart, often misunderstood or marginalized by their societies.
  • UNKNOWN: Beings or entities whose origins, intentions, or purposes remain a mystery, evoking both curiosity and caution.

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